use Chj::TEST;
# or
use Chj::TEST use=> 'Method::Signatures'
#, use=> ['Foo::Bar', qw(bar baz)],
#, require=> 'CGI'
# ^ this will use or require the indicated modules, and if RUN_TESTS
# is set and they fail, will gracefully fail with a SKIP testing message
# (if RUN_TESTS is not set, it will die as normally).
TEST { 1+1 } 2; # success
TEST { 1+1 } "2"; # fails,
# because equality is compared on the result of Data::Dumper
# compute also result lazily:
TEST { 1+1 } GIVES {3-1}; # success
TEST_STDOUT { print "Hello" } "Hello";
TEST_EXCEPTION { die "Hello" } "Hello"; # " at .. line .." and
# backtrace are cut off
use Chj::TEST ':all';
is run_tests(__PACKAGE__), 0; # 0 failures
# or
#run_tests __PACKAGE__, "Another::Package";
# or
#run_tests_ packages=> __PACKAGE__, numbers=>[2..4];
# aliases package, number, no also accepted
# For conditional running the tests as part of a global test suite:
#perhaps_run_tests "main" or do_something_else;
# This will run run_tests("main") iff the RUN_TESTS environment
# variable is true, otherwise run do_something_else.
If the `TEST` environmental variable is set to false (as opposed to not set at all), tests are dropped. This saves the memory otherwise required to hold the test code and results.