FP::Stream - lazily generated, singly linked (purely functional) lists
use FP::Equal 'is_equal';
use FP::Stream ':all';
is stream_length(stream_iota 101, 5), 5;
#is stream_length(stream_iota 0, 5000000), 5000000;
use FP::Lazy; # force
is force( stream_fold_right sub { my ($n,$rest)=@_;
$n + force $rest },
stream_iota 0, 5),
Alternatively (and probably preferably), use methods:
is stream_iota(101, 5)->length, 5;
# note that length needs to walk the whole stream
is stream_iota->map(sub{ $_[0]*$_[0]})->take(5)->sum,
is stream_iota(0, 5)->fold(sub { my ($n,$rest)=@_;
$n + $rest },
NOTE that the method calls are forcing evaluation of the object (the first cell of the input stream), since that's the only way to know the type to be dispatched on. This is unlike the non-generic functions, some of which (like cons) don't force evaluation of their arguments.
`FP::Stream`s (from now on called "streams") are the same as `FP::List`s (from now on called "lists") except that their cells are generated on demand. If your code has got a list in a particular point in time, all the items in the list are calculated already, and the list takes as much space in memory to represent all of the values. A stream on the other hand, at the beginning consists of only a single unevaluated promise, which is an object from `FP::Lazy` which represents a to-be done calculation to produce, surprise, a `FP::List::Null` (end of list) value to indicate the end or a `FP::List::Pair` which holds the first value and the remainder of the sequence--itself again a stream, or more precisely a promise to either a null or pair value.
So, like a list, a stream is a recursive data structure, with the only difference that the rest field in pairs is a promise. It also automatically "inherits" all of the list methods, since calling a method on a promise is forcing the promise and then is delegated to the generated value; although delegation goes to the method with "stream_" prefixed, if it exists--this is to allow for overrides if a method on a stream needs to behave differently. For example `map` is overridden with `stream_map` which produces the resulting linked list lazily:
use FP::Div 'inc'; use FP::List 'list';
is ref( list(30, 60)->map(*inc) ),
is ref( list(30, 60)->stream_map(*inc) ),
is ref( stream(30, 60)->map(*inc) ),
is ref( stream(30, 60)->stream_map(*inc) ),
is ref(force( stream(30, 60)->map(*inc) )),
All of the examples evaluate to the same values--the result isn't different, it's just calculated lazily (on demand) in some cases. The `equal` calls in the following are all true even though the second argument is always an eager list (whereas the first argument is a stream in 3 out of 4 cases) because `equal` automatically forces the evaluation of promises it encounters.
use FP::Equal 'equal';
ok equal(list(30, 60)->map(*inc), list(31, 61));
ok equal(list(30, 60)->stream_map(*inc), list(31, 61));
ok equal(stream(30, 60)->map(*inc), list(31, 61));
ok equal(stream(30, 60)->stream_map(*inc), list(31, 61));
The general functional perl documentation.
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