FP::Text::CSV - functional interface to Text::CSV
use FP::Text::CSV qw(csv_line_xparser csv_fh_to_rows csv_file_to_rows);
use Method::Signatures; # func
my $csvparams= +{sep_char=> ";", eol=> "\n"};
# $csvparams and any of its entries are optional,
# defaults are taken from $FP::Text::CSV::defaults
# -- Input: ---
my $p= csv_line_xparser $csvparams;
my @vals= &$p("1;2;3;4\n");
my $stream= csv_fh_to_rows($somefilehandle, $csvparams);
# or
my $stream= csv_file_to_rows($somepath, $csvparams);
# then
use FP::Stream ":all";
my $stream2= stream_map func ($row) {
}, $stream;
# etc.
# -- Output: ---
my $rows=
cons [ "i", "i^2" ],
stream_map func ($i) {
[ $i, $i*$i ]
}, stream_iota;
rows_to_csv_fh ($rows, $somefilehandle);
# or
rows_to_csv_file ($rows, "path");
Handle CSV input and output in the form of functional streams (lazily computed linked lists).