FP::List - singly linked (purely functional) lists


use FP::List ':all';
# "Hello"

list (1,2,3)->map(sub{ $_[0]*$_[0]})->array
# [1,4,9]

list (qw(a b c))->first # "a"
list (qw(a b c))->rest->array # ["b","c"]

# etc.

# The `cons` function checks whether its second argument is an object
# with a `cons` method, if so, it invokes it, otherwise it creates an
# FP::List::Pair object holding both values (there's also a `pair`
# function that doesn't check for a method and always directly
# creates the pair)
cons ("a","b")->rest # "b"
cons ("a","b")->cdr  # "b"
list (5,6,7)->caddr # 7


Create and dissect sequences using pure functions or methods.


Most functional programming languages are using either the `:` or `::` operator to prepend an item to a list. The name `cons` comes from lisps, where it's the basic (lisp = list processing!) "construction" function.

Cons cells (pairs) in lisps can also be used to build other data structures than lists: they don't enforce the rest slot to be a pair or null. Lisps traditionally use `car` and `cdr` as accessors for the two fields, to respect this feature, and also because 'a' and 'd' combine easily into composed names like `caddr`. This library offers `car` and `cdr` as aliases to `first` and `rest`.

Some languages call the accessory `head` and `tail`, but `tail` would conflict with `Sub::Call::Tail`, hence those are not used here.