Changes for version 0.14

  • Added "logs" access to pod resource object.
  • Added "Node" resource type and "list_nodes" method.
  • Added "Endpoint" resource type and "list_endpoints" method.
  • Fixed broken tests for win32 systems.


An object oriented interface to the REST API's provided by kubernetes
Base class for all kubernetes exceptions.
Provides access to kubernetes respources within a single namespace.
Base class for all Net::Kubernetes::Resource objects.
Object representatioon of a Kubernetes Endpoint
Object representatioon of a Kubernetes event
Object representatioon of a Kubernetes Pod
Object representatioon of a Kubernetes Pod
Object representatioon of a Kubernetes Replication Controller
Resource role for types that may contain pods
Resource role for types that have a spec
Resource role for types that have a status
Object representatioon of a Kubernetes Secret
Object representatioon of a Kubernetes Service
Role allowing direct access to the REST api
Role to allow creation of resources from either objects or files.
Role to allow easy construction of Net::Kubernetes::Resouce::* objects
Role to give access to list_* methods.


in lib/Net/Kubernetes/
in lib/Net/Kubernetes/
in lib/Net/Kubernetes/
in lib/Net/Kubernetes/