MooseX::Attribute::Deflator::Meta::Role::Attribute - Attribute meta role to support deflation
version 2.1.5
package Test;
use Moose;
use DateTime;
use MooseX::Attribute::Deflator;
deflate 'DateTime', via { $_->epoch };
inflate 'DateTime', via { DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $_ ) };
no MooseX::Attribute::Deflator;
has now => ( is => 'rw',
isa => 'DateTime',
required => 1,
default => sub { DateTime->now },
traits => ['Deflator'] );
package main;
my $obj = Test->new;
my $attr = $obj->meta->get_attribute('now');
my $deflated = $attr->deflate($obj);
# $deflated is now a number
my inflated = $attr->inflate($obj, $deflated);
# $inflated is now a DateTime object
These two methods work basically the same. They look up the type constraint which is associated with the attribute and try to find an appropriate deflator/inflator. If there is no deflator/inflator for the exact type constraint, the method will bubble up the type constraint hierarchy until it finds one.
- $attr->deflate($instance)
Returns the deflated value of the attribute. It does not change the value of the attribute.
- $attr->inflate($instance, $string)
Inflates a string
. This method does not set the value of the attribute to the inflated value. - $attr->has_inflator =item $attr->has_deflator
Moritz Onken
This software is Copyright (c) 2011 by Moritz Onken.
This is free software, licensed under:
The (three-clause) BSD License