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Getopt::Long::More - Like Getopt::Long, but with more stuffs


This document describes version 0.007 of Getopt::Long::More (from Perl distribution Getopt-Long-More), released on 2020-04-08.


use Getopt::Long::More; # imports GetOptions as well as optspec; you can also
                        # explicitly import Configure, GetOptionsFromArray,
                        # GetOptionsFromString

my %opts;
    # just like in Getopt::Long
    'foo=s' => \$opts{foo},
    'bar'   => sub { ... },

    # but if you want to specify extra stuffs...
    'baz'   => optspec(
        # will be passed to Getopt::Long
        destination => \$opts{baz},

        # specify that this option is required
        required => 1,

        # specify this for default value
        default => 10,

        # specify this if you want nicer usage message
        summary => 'Blah blah blah',

        # specify longer (multiparagraphs) of text for POD, in POD format
        description => <<'_',
Blah blah ...
Blah blah ...
blah blah

        # provide completion from a list of strings
        # completion => [qw/apple apricot banana/],

        # provide more advanced completion routine
        completion => sub {
            require Complete::Util;
            my %args = @_;
                word => $args{word},
                array => [ ... ],

        # other properties: x or x.* or _* are allowed
        'x.debug' => 'blah',
        _app_code => {foo=>1},


This module is a wrapper and drop-in replacement for Getopt::Long. It provides the same interface as Getopt::Long and, unlike other wrappers like Getopt::Long::Complete or Getopt::Long::Modern it does not change default configuration and all Getopt::Long configuration are supported. In fact, Getopt::Long::More behaves much like Getopt::Long until you start to use optspec object as one or more option destinations.


In addition to using scalarref, arrayref, hashref, or coderef as the option destination as Getopt::Long allows, Getopt::Long::More also allows using optspec object as the destination. This enables you to specify more stuffs.

Optspec object is created using the optspec function which accepts a list of property name-property value pairs:

'--fruit=s' => optspec(
    destination => \$opts{fruit},
    default => 'apple',
    summary => 'Supply name of fruit to order',
    completion => [qw/apple apricot banana/],

All properties are optional.

destination => ScalarRef / ArrayRef / HashRef / CodeRef

The destination property, if present, will be passed to Getopt::Long when parsing options.

Note that, in previous versions of this module, destination was referred to as handler, which is now deprecated. At this time handler is still being accepted as an alias for destination, but do NOT count on that forever. The name handler will be discontinued at one point. You have been warned.

In addition to destination, these other properties are also recognized:

required => bool

Set this to 1 to specify that the option is required.

default => any

Provide default for the option.

summary => str

Provide a short summary message for the option. This is used when generating usage/help message.

description => str

Provide a longer (multiparagraph) text, in POD format. Will be used to generate POD.

completion => array|code

Provide completion routine. Can also be a simple array of strings.

Completion routine will be passed a hash argument, with at least the following keys: word (str, the word to be completed). It is expected to return a completion answer structure (see Complete for mor edetails) which is usually just an array of strings.

x, x.*, _* => any

You are allowed to have properties named x or anything that begins with x. or _. These are ignored by Getopt::Long::More. You can use store comments or whatever additional information here.



See Getopt::Long documentation.


See Getopt::Long documentation.


See Getopt::Long documentation.


See Getopt::Long documentation.

HelpMessage(@opts_spec) => str

Will print a usage/help message and exit. Sample result:

myapp [options]

  --fruit=s     Supply name of fruit to order (default: apple)
  --debug       Enable debug mode
  --help|?      Print help message and exit
  --version     Print usage message and exit


See Getopt::Long documentation.

OptionsPod(@opts_spec) => str

Will generate a POD containing list of options. The text will be taken from the summary and description properties of optspec objects. Example result:

=head1 OPTIONS

=head2 --fruit|f=s

Supply name of fruit to order.

Blah blah blah
blah blah ...

=head2 --debug

=head2 --version

Display program version and exit.

=head2 --help

Display help message and exit.

optspec(%props) => obj

Create optspec object. See "OPTSPEC OBJECT".


Getopt::Long::Mode supports shell tab completion. To activate tab completion, put your script (e.g. in PATH and in bash shell type:

% complete -C

You can then complete option names (or option values or command-line arguments too, if you provide completion properties). You can also use shcompgen to activate shell completion; shcompgen supports several shells and various modules.

Tab completion functionality is provided by Complete::Getopt::Long. Note that this module assumes no_ignore_case and does not support things like getopt_compat (starting option with + instead of --).


How do I provide completion for command-line arguments:

Use the option spec <>:

    '<>' => optspec(
        destination => \&process,
        completion => sub {


Please visit the project's homepage at


Source repository is at


Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.



Other Getopt::Long wrappers that provide extra features: Getopt::Long::Complete, Getopt::Long::Descriptive.

If you want less features instead of more: Getopt::Long::Less, Getopt::Long::EvenLess.


perlancar <>


This software is copyright (c) 2020, 2019, 2016 by

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.