Calendar::Dates::Academic::ID::UT::PPs - Academic calendar of Universitas Terbuka (postgraduate programs, program pascasarjana)
This document describes version 0.003 of Calendar::Dates::Academic::ID::UT::PPs (from Perl distribution Calendar-Dates-Academic-ID-UT-PPs), released on 2019-06-20.
Using from Perl
use Calendar::Dates::Academic::ID::UT::PPs;
my $min_year = Calendar::Dates::Academic::ID::UT::PPs->get_min_year; # => 2019
my $max_year = Calendar::Dates::Academic::ID::UT::PPs->get_max_year; # => 2019
my $entries = Calendar::Dates::Academic::ID::UT::PPs->get_entries(2019);
date => "2019-03-04",
day => 4,
default_lang => "id",
month => 3,
summary => "Pendaftaran/Admisi Mahasiswa Baru Periode I (begin)",
tags => ["begin:admission1", "smt2019/20.1"],
year => 2019,
date => "2019-03-27",
day => 27,
default_lang => "id",
month => 3,
summary => "Pendaftaran/Admisi Mahasiswa Baru Periode I (end)",
tags => ["end:admission1", "smt2019/20.1"],
year => 2019,
date => "2019-03-04",
day => 4,
default_lang => "id",
month => 3,
summary => "Pembayaran Admisi Periode I (begin)",
tags => ["begin:payment1", "smt2019/20.1"],
year => 2019,
date => "2019-04-03",
day => 3,
default_lang => "id",
month => 4,
summary => "Pembayaran Admisi Periode I (end)",
tags => ["end:payment1", "smt2019/20.1"],
year => 2019,
date => "2019-04-08",
day => 8,
default_lang => "id",
month => 4,
summary => "Pendaftaran/Admisi Mahasiswa Baru Periode II (begin)",
tags => ["begin:admission2", "smt2019/20.1"],
year => 2019,
date => "2019-05-15",
day => 15,
default_lang => "id",
month => 5,
summary => "Pendaftaran/Admisi Mahasiswa Baru Periode II (end)",
tags => ["end:admission2", "smt2019/20.1"],
year => 2019,
date => "2019-04-08",
day => 8,
default_lang => "id",
month => 4,
summary => "Pembayaran Admisi Periode II (begin)",
tags => ["begin:payment2", "smt2019/20.1"],
year => 2019,
date => "2019-05-22",
day => 22,
default_lang => "id",
month => 5,
summary => "Pembayaran Admisi Periode II (end)",
tags => ["end:payment2", "smt2019/20.1"],
year => 2019,
date => "2019-04-27",
day => 27,
default_lang => "id",
month => 4,
summary => "Tes Masuk Periode I",
tags => ["smt2019/20.1"],
year => 2019,
date => "2019-05-13",
day => 13,
default_lang => "id",
month => 5,
summary => "Pengumuman Hasil Tes Masuk Periode I",
tags => ["smt2019/20.1"],
year => 2019,
date => "2019-06-29",
day => 29,
default_lang => "id",
month => 6,
summary => "Tes Masuk Periode II",
tags => ["smt2019/20.1"],
year => 2019,
date => "2019-07-08",
day => 8,
default_lang => "id",
month => 7,
summary => "Pengumuman Hasil Tes Masuk Periode II",
tags => ["smt2019/20.1"],
year => 2019,
Using from CLI (requires list-calendar-dates and calx)
% list-calendar-dates -l -m Academic::ID::UT::PPs
% calx -c Academic::ID::UT::PPs
This module provides academic calendar of Indonesia's open university Universitas Terbuka (postgraduate programs, program pascasarjana).
| key | value |
| Earliest year | 2019 |
| Latest year | 2019 |
Entries for year 2019:
| date | day | default_lang | month | summary | tags | year |
| 2019-03-04 | 4 | id | 3 | Pendaftaran/Admisi Mahasiswa Baru Periode I (begin) | begin:admission1, smt2019/20.1 | 2019 |
| 2019-03-27 | 27 | id | 3 | Pendaftaran/Admisi Mahasiswa Baru Periode I (end) | end:admission1, smt2019/20.1 | 2019 |
| 2019-03-04 | 4 | id | 3 | Pembayaran Admisi Periode I (begin) | begin:payment1, smt2019/20.1 | 2019 |
| 2019-04-03 | 3 | id | 4 | Pembayaran Admisi Periode I (end) | end:payment1, smt2019/20.1 | 2019 |
| 2019-04-08 | 8 | id | 4 | Pendaftaran/Admisi Mahasiswa Baru Periode II (begin) | begin:admission2, smt2019/20.1 | 2019 |
| 2019-05-15 | 15 | id | 5 | Pendaftaran/Admisi Mahasiswa Baru Periode II (end) | end:admission2, smt2019/20.1 | 2019 |
| 2019-04-08 | 8 | id | 4 | Pembayaran Admisi Periode II (begin) | begin:payment2, smt2019/20.1 | 2019 |
| 2019-05-22 | 22 | id | 5 | Pembayaran Admisi Periode II (end) | end:payment2, smt2019/20.1 | 2019 |
| 2019-04-27 | 27 | id | 4 | Tes Masuk Periode I | smt2019/20.1 | 2019 |
| 2019-05-13 | 13 | id | 5 | Pengumuman Hasil Tes Masuk Periode I | smt2019/20.1 | 2019 |
| 2019-06-29 | 29 | id | 6 | Tes Masuk Periode II | smt2019/20.1 | 2019 |
| 2019-07-08 | 8 | id | 7 | Pengumuman Hasil Tes Masuk Periode II | smt2019/20.1 | 2019 |
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Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website
When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.
App::CalendarDatesUtils contains CLIs to list dates from this module, etc.
calx from App::calx can display calendar and highlight dates from Calendar::Dates::* modules
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This software is copyright (c) 2019 by
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.