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rank - Rank lines of text


This document describes version 0.007 of rank (from Perl distribution App-rank), released on 2018-05-01.


rank [OPTION]... [FILE]...


rank ranks lines of text, by default using the first field as the sort key (can be changed with --sort-field option). When there are multiple lines that have the same sort key, rank will assign the same rank to the lines. Finally, the lines will be displayed with the ranks, starting from the highest ranked (1).

Sample input:

21    ujang
30    budi
50    atang
75    robi
89    parjiyem
77    nono
75    tedi

Sample output using rank -n (a.k.a. rank --numeric-sort):

1    89    parjiyem
2    77    nono
3    75    robi
3    75    tedi
5    50    atang
6    30    budi
7    21    ujang

Sample output using rank -np (a.k.a. rank --numeric-sort --show-percentile):

1    100.000   89    parjiyem
2    85.714    77    nono
3    71.429    75    robi
3    71.429    75    tedi
5    42.857    50    atang
6    28.571    30    budi
7    14.286    21    ujang

Sample output using rank -n --calc-percentile 5,25,50,75,95):

95.000  84.80000000
75.000  75.50000000
50.000  56.25000000
25.000  27.75000000
5.000   15.15000000


0 on success.

255 on I/O error.

99 on command-line options error.


  • --action=s (default: rank)

    Valid values: rank, calc-percentile

    The default action is to show ranking (rank).

    Action calc-percentile will calculate specific percentiles. Usually you just specify --calc-percentile a,b,c,... to set action to calc-percentile.

  • --calc-percentile=f1,f2,...

    Imply --action=calc-percentile. Calculate specific percentile(s). Will use linear interpolation to get the percentile values.

  • --reverse, -r

  • --ignore-leading-blanks, -b

  • --ignore-case, -i

  • --field-separator, -f (default: Tab)

  • --sort=s

    Valid values: numeric, ascii.

  • --numeric-sort, -n

    Shortcut for --sort=numeric. By default numeric sort order is descending instead of ascending. To do ascending sort, add -r.

  • --sort-field=i (default: 0)

  • rank=s (default: default)

    Change ranking system. The default is to have all lines that have the same sort keys to be ranked the same, but the next ranking will skip numbers:

    1    89    parjiyem
    2    77    nono
    3    75    robi
    3    75    tedi
    5    50    atang
    6    30    budi
    7    21    ujang

    The no-skip ranking system will not do these skips:

    1    89    parjiyem
    2    77    nono
    3    75    robi
    3    75    tedi
    4    50    atang
    5    30    budi
    6    21    ujang

    The no-same ranking system will assign different ranks to lines that have the same sort key:

    1    89    parjiyem
    2    77    nono
    3    75    robi
    4    75    tedi
    5    50    atang
    6    30    budi
    7    21    ujang
  • --no-show-rank

  • --show-percentile, -p

  • --help, -h

  • --version, -v



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When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.




perlancar <>


This software is copyright (c) 2018 by

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.