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perfSONAR_PS::Services::MA::General - A module that provides methods for general tasks that MAs need to perform, such as querying for results.


This module is a catch all for common methods (for now) of MAs in the perfSONAR-PS framework. As such there is no 'common thread' that each method shares. This module IS NOT an object, and the methods can be invoked directly (and sparingly).


use perfSONAR_PS::Services::MA::General;
use perfSONAR_PS::Common;

# Consider this metadata:
# <nmwg:metadata xmlns:nmwg="" id="1">
#   <netutil:subject xmlns:netutil="" id="stout">
#     <nmwgt:interface xmlns:nmwgt="">
#       <nmwgt:ifAddress type="ipv4"></nmwgt:ifAddress>
#       <nmwgt:hostName>stout</nmwgt:hostName>
#       <nmwgt:ifName>eth1</nmwgt:ifName>
#       <nmwgt:direction>in</nmwgt:direction>
#     </nmwgt:interface>
#   </netutil:subject>
#   <select:parameters xmlns:nmwg="" id="2">
#     <nmwg:parameter xmlns:select="" name="time" operator="gte">
#       1176480310
#     </nmwg:parameter>
#     <nmwg:parameter xmlns:select="" name="time" operator="lte">
#       1176480340
#     </nmwg:parameter>      
#     <nmwg:parameter xmlns:select="" name="consolidationFunction">
#       AVERAGE
#     </nmwg:parameter>     
#   </select:parameters>
# </nmwg:metadata>

# note that $node is a LibXML node object.

my $queryString = "/nmwg:metadata[".
  getMetadataXQuery($node, "").

# the query after should look like this:
# /nmwg:metadata[
#   netutil:subject/nmwgt:interface/nmwgt:ifAddress[
#     @type="ipv4" and text()=""
#   ] and 
#   netutil:subject/nmwgt:interface/nmwgt:hostName[text()="stout"] and 
#   netutil:subject/nmwgt:interface/nmwgt:ifName[text()="eth1"] and 
#   netutil:subject/nmwgt:interface/nmwgt:direction[text()="in"]
# ]/@id

# The same use case works for data elements, using 'getDataXQuery'

# the time structure should look like this:
#   {
#     'START' => '1173723350',
#     'END' => '1173723366'
#     'CF' => 'AVERAGE'
#     'RESOLUTION' => ''    
#   };

getTime($ma, $id);

my @dbSchema = ("id", "time", "value", "eventtype", "misc");
my $result = getDataSQL($ma, $d, \@dbSchema);  
if($#{$result} == -1) {
  # error
else { 
  for(my $a = 0; $a <= $#{$result}; $a++) {  
    # unroll results

my $responseString = adjustRRDTime($ma);
if(!$responseString) {
  my %rrd_result = getDataRRD($ma, $d, $mid);
  if($rrd_result{ERROR}) {
    # error
  else {
    foreach $a (sort(keys(%rrd_result))) {
      foreach $b (sort(keys(%{$rrd_result{$a}}))) { 
        # unroll results
else {
  # error


The API for this module aims to be simple; note that this is not an object and each method does not have the 'self knowledge' of variables that may travel between functions.


The offered API is basic for now, until more common features to MAs can be identified and utilized in this module.

getMetadataXQuery($node, $queryString)

Given a metadata node, constructs and returns an XQuery statement.

getSPXQuery($node, $queryString)

Helper function for the subject and parameters portion of a metadata element. Used by 'getMetadataXQuery', not to be called externally.

getEventTypeXQuery($node, $queryString)

Helper function for the eventType portion of a metadata element. Used by 'getMetadataXQuery', not to be called externally.

getDataXQuery($node, $queryString)

Given a data node, constructs and returns an XQuery statement.

xQueryParameters($node, $path, $queryCount, $queryString)

Helper function for the parameters portion of NMWG elements, not to be called externally.

xQueryAttributes($node, $path, $queryCount, $queryString)

Helper function for the attributes portion of NMWG elements, not to be called externally.

xQueryText($node, $path, $queryCount, $queryString)

Helper function for the text portion of NMWG elements, not to be called externally.

xQueryEventType($node, $path, $queryString)

Helper function for the eventTYpe portion of NMWG elements, not to be called externally.

getTime($request, $ma, $id, $default_resolution)

Performs the task of extracting time/cf/resolution information from the request message.

findTime($parameter, $timePrefix, $type)

Extracts the time values from the parameter elements, and converts formats if necessary.

getDataSQL($ma, $d, $dbSchema)

Returns either an error or the actual results of an SQL database query.

getDataRRD($ma, $d, $mid)

Returns either an error or the actual results of an RRD database query.


Given an MA object, this will 'adjust' the time values in an data request that will end up quering an RRD database. The time values are only 'adjusted' if the resolution value makes them 'uneven' (i.e. if you are requesting data between 1 and 70 with a resolution of 60, RRD will default to a higher resolution becaues the boundaries are not exact). We adjust the start/end times to better fit the requested resolution.


Exporter, Log::Log4perl, perfSONAR_PS::Common, perfSONAR_PS::Messages

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$Id: 692 2007-11-02 12:36:04Z zurawski $


Jason Zurawski,


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