Changes for version 0.40
- options moved to stx:transform and stx:group
- new matching mechanism (3 precedence categories, 'visibility' and 'public' attributes)
- new visibility applied to procedures
- basic URIResolver implemented
- stx:include (@href)
- functions treated as QNames
- added STXPath functions: string-join, subsequence, node-kind, ends-with, avg, sum, min, max, round, floor, ceiling, exists
- removed functions: get-node, level, sublist, prefix
- existing functions revised and updated (STX WD 5 May 03, F&O WD 2 May 03)
- ErrorListener implemented
- semantics of stx:value-of changed, added @separator
- default-stxpath-namespace renamed to stxpath-default-namespace
- split to (factory) and (no API changes)
- bug fixes (nested parameter passing, unary -)
a pure Perl STX processor
buffer objects for XML::STX
XML::STX stylesheet compiler
STX processor runtime engine
a TrAX-like interface
in test/
in STX/
in STX/
in STX/
in STX/
in STX/
in STX/
in STX/
in STX/
in STX/
in STX/
in STX/
in STX/
in STX/
in STX/