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Parrot::Configure::Data - Configuration data container


    use Parrot::Configure::Data;

    my $data = Parrot::Configure::Data->new;
    my @values = $data->get(@keys);
    $data->set($key1 => $value1, $key2 => $value2);
    $data->add($delimiter, $key1 => $value1, $key2 => $value2);
    my @keys = $data->keys;
    my $serialized = $data->dump(q{c}, q{*PConfig});
    $data->settrigger($key, $trigger, $cb);
    $data->gettrigger($key, $trigger);
    $data->deltrigger($key, $trigger);


This module provides methods by which other Parrot::Configure::* modules can access configuration data.

The module supplies a constructor for Parrot::Configure::Data objects and three kinds of accessors:

1 Main configuration data
2 Triggers
3 Data read from Perl 5's %Config or Perl 5 special variables.



  • new()

    • Purpose

      Basic object constructor.

    • Arguments


    • Return Value

      Parrot::Configure::Data object.

Methods for Main Configuration Data

  • get($key, ...)

    • Purpose

      Provides access to the values assigned to elements in the Parrot::Configure object's main data structure.

    • Arguments

      List of elements found in the Parrot::Configure object's main data structure.

    • Return Value

      List of values associated with corresponding arguments.

  • set($key = $val, ...)>

    • Purpose

      Modifies or creates new values in the main part of the Parrot::Configure object's data structure..

    • Arguments

      List of key => value pairs.

    • Return Value

      Parrot::Configure::Data object.

  • add($delim, $key = $val, ...)>

    • Purpose

      Either creates a new key or appends to an existing key, with the previous/new values joined together by $delim.

    • Arguments

      Delimiter value followed by a list of key => value pairs.

    • Return Value

      Parrot::Configure::Data object.

  • keys()

    • Purpose

      Provides a list of names of elements in the Parrot::Configure object's main data structure.

    • Arguments


    • Return Value

      List of elements in the Parrot::Configure object's main data structure.

  • slurp()

    • Purpose

      Slurps in Parrot::Config data from previous run of

    • Arguments


    • Return Value

      Reference to hash holding main Parrot::Configure data structure.

  • slurp_temp()

    • Purpose

      Slurps in Parrot::Config temporary data from previous run of Only to be used when running gen::makefiles plugin.

    • Arguments


    • Return Value

      Reference to hash holding that part of the main Parrot::Configure data structure holding temporary data.

  • dump()

    • Purpose

      Provides a Data::Dumper serialized string of the objects key/value pairs suitable for being evaled.

    • Arguments

      Two scalar arguments:

      1. Key in Parrot::Configure object's data structure which is being dumped.

      2. Name of the dumped structure.


          $conf->data->dump(q{c}, q{*PConfig});
          $conf->data->dump(q{c_temp}, q{*PConfig_Temp});
    • Return Value


  • clean()

    • Purpose

      Deletes keys matching /^TEMP_/ from the internal configuration store, and copies them to a special store for temporary keys. Keys using this naming convention are intended to be used only temporarily, e.g. as file lists for Makefile generation. Temporary keys are used only to regenerate makefiles after configuration.

    • Arguments


    • Return Value

      Parrot::Configure::Data object.


  • settrigger($key, $trigger, $cb)

    • Purpose

      Set a callback on $key named $trigger. Multiple triggers can be set on a given key. When the key is set via set or add then all callbacks that are defined will be called. Triggers are passed the key and value that was set after it has been changed.

    • Arguments

      Accepts a key name, a trigger name, & a CODE ref.

    • Return Value

      Parrot::Configure::Data object.

  • gettriggers($key)

    • Purpose

      Get the names of all triggers set for $key.

    • Arguments

      String holding single key name.

    • Return Value

      List of triggers set for that key.

  • gettrigger($key, $trigger)

    • Purpose

      Get the callback set for $key under the name $trigger

    • Arguments

      Accepts a key name & a trigger name.

    • Return Value

      CODE ref.

  • deltrigger($key, $trigger)

    • Purpose

      Removes the trigger on $key named by $trigger

    • Arguments

      Accepts a key name & a trigger name.

    • Return Value

      Parrot::Configure::Data object.

Methods for Perl 5 Data

  • get_p5($key, ...)

    • Purpose

      Retrieve data originally derived from the Perl 5 environment during configuration step init::defaults and stored in a special part of the Parrot::Configure::Data object.

    • Arguments

      List of elements found in the Perl 5-related part of the Parrot::Configure object's data structure.

    • Return Value

      List of values associated with corresponding arguments.

    • Note

      Once data from Perl 5's %Config or special variables has been stored in configuration step init::defaults, %Config and the special variables should not be further accessed. Use this method instead.

  • set_p5($key = $val, ...)>

    • Purpose

      Looks up values from either (a) the %Config, located in and imported via use Config;, associated with the instance of Perl ($^X) used to run and assigns those values to a special part of the Parrot::Configure::Data object.

    • Arguments

      List of key => value pairs. If the key being set is from %Config, the corresponding value should have the same name. If, however, the key being set is a Perl 5 special variable (e.g., %^O), the corresponding value should be the 'English' name of that special variable as documented in perlvar (less the initial $, of course).

    • Return Value

      Parrot::Configure::Data object.

    • Examples

    • Note

      This method should only be used in configuration step init::defaults. It is not the method used to assign values to the main Parrot::Configure data structure; use set() (above) instead.

  • keys_p5()

    • Purpose

      Provides a list of names of elements in the Parrot::Configure object's main data structure.

    • Arguments


    • Return Value

      List of elements in the part of the Parrot::Configure object's data structure storing Perl 5 configuration data.


Based largely on code written by Brent Royal-Gordon


Joshua Hoblitt


docs/configuration.pod, Parrot::Configure, Parrot::Configure::Step, Parrot::Configure::Step