NAME - example shell plugin
This is a full featured plugin that adds a builtin to generate menus and a word expansion to substitute choices from these menus in your next commandlines.
For example:
zoid$ menu_list -c "ls -F"
1) Artistic
zoid$ cat =2
zoid$ menu_list -c (find . | grep Zoidberg)
1) lib/Zoidberg/
zoid$ cd =1
zoid$ menu_list -s foo bar
1) bar
2) foo
An more advanced example, this builts a menu with all dircetories in the current directory, in the dirstack and in the CDPATH environment variable:
zoid$ alias d='menu_list -s -c "ls -F | grep /$" -c "dirs" @CDPATH'
zoid$ d
1) lib/
2) blib/
3) bin/
zoid$ cd =2
Builts a menu out of the specified items or the output of command. You can mix multiple commands and items. Without arguments list the items in the current menu. The '-s' (or '--sort') option forces alphabethical sorting of the menu.
Jaap Karssenberg, <>