zoidfaq - Frequently Asked Questions about Zoidberg


About the project

What's with the name ?

If you don't know where the name comes from, you should watch more cartoons.

Quoting some futurama episode about a certain docter Zoidberg :

"He's a weird monster who smells
    like he eats garbage and does"

This program was from the very beginning intended to become a huge and bloated monster.

Is it stable yet ?

NO ! If it is stable we'll call it 1.00 .

Is it safe to use it already ?

Kind of, as long as you don't try too fancy stuff with too many privileges.


How do I turn off ansi colours ?

Set the environment variable CLICOLOR to 0 (null).

What's with the single arrow syntax ?

When you type perl code without brackets around it, zoid does a little source filtering making a arrow '->' (the dereference operator) at the start of a word an alias for '$shell->'. Where '$shell' is the main shell object.

zoid$ ->Commands->cd(q/../)
# is the same as
zoid$ $shell->Commands->cd(q/../)

I dislike jobs ending without waiting for me to hit a key :(

This behaviour is called asynchronous notification. It is not a real default option; it is turned on in the default 'zoidrc' file. Remove the setting "notify" from our 'zoidrc' file or try set +o notify.

Does zoid have a "RPROMPT" ?

No, but Term::ReadLine::Zoid does :) If you use this module try setting $ENV{RPS1}.

I miss feature X, every shell should have feature X !

Probably it's on the TODO list, or at some list at least. Try the mailing list.


I upgraded to a new version of zoid and it crash immediately !?

If you have all dependencies right you probably need to remove either the directory ~/.zoid or the file ~/.cache/zoid_path_cache.

Also it might be a good idea to clean up /usr/share/zoid and/or /usr/local/share/zoid before installing a new version.

I upgraded to a new version of zoid and it hangs !

See the previous question.

I got a segfault after using perl syntax, is this a bug ?

Well, if it _is_ a bug then probably it's a bug in perl, not in zoid. Most notoriously if you use globs in perl code, perl 5.8.0 can segfault; upgrading to perl 5.8.2 fixes this problem.


How do I get Zoid to cooperate with a gui toolkit like Tk ?

To my understanding the only thing needed to cooperate with any gui toolkit is a "heartbeat" event to update the gui. If you use our Term::ReadLine::Zoid library zoid will give you an event called "beat". Try something like:

$shell->{events}{beat} = \&update_gui;

