Simple::Factory - a simple factory to create objects easily, with cache, autoderef and fallback supports


use Simple::Factory;

my $factory = Simple::Factory->new(
    'My::Class' => {
        first  => { value => 1 },
        second => [ value => 2 ],
    fallback => { value => undef }, # optional. in absent, will die if find no key

my $first  = $factory->resolve('first');  # will build a My::Class instance with arguments 'value => 1'
my $second = $factory->resolve('second'); # will build a My::Class instance with arguments 'value => 2'
my $last   = $factory->resolve('last');   # will build a My::Class instance with fallback arguments


This is one way to implement the Factory Pattern. The main objective is substitute one hashref of objects ( or coderefs who can build/return objects ) by something more intelligent, who can support caching and fallbacks. If the creation rules are simple we can use Simple::Factory to help us to build instances.

We create instances with resolve method. It is lazy. If you need build all instances (to store in the cache) consider try to resolve them first.

If you need something more complex, consider some framework of Inversion of Control (IoC).

For example, we can create a simple factory to create DateTime objects, using CHI as cache:

 my $factory = Simple::Factory->new(
      build_class  => 'DateTime',
      build_method => 'from_epoch',
      build_conf   => {
          one      => { epoch => 1 },
          two      => { epoch => 2 },
          thousand => { epoch => 1000 }
      fallback => sub { epoch => $_[0] }, # fallback can receive the key
      cache    => CHI->new( driver => 'Memory', global => 1),

$factory->resolve( 1024 )->epoch # returns 1024

IMPORTANT: if the creation fails ( like some excetion from the constructor ), we will not call the fallback. We expect some error handling from your side.



Specify the perl package ( class ) used to create instances. Using Method::Runtime, will die if can't load the package.

This argument is required. You can omit by using the build_class as a first argument of the constructor.


Specify the mapping of key => arguments, storing in a hashref.

This argument is required. You can omit by using the build_class and build_args as a first pair of arguments.

Important: if autoderef is true, we will try to deref the value before use to create an instance. =head2 fallback

The default behavior is die if we try to resolve an instance using one non-existing key.

But if fallback is present, we will use this on the constructor.

If autoderef is true and fallback is a code reference, we will call the code and pass the key as an argument.


By default the Simple::Factory calls the method new but you can override and specify your own build method.

Will croak if the build_class does not support the method on resolve.


If true ( default ), we will try to deref the argument present in the build_conf only if it follow this rules:

1. will deref only references
2. if the reference is an array, we will call the build_method with @$array.
3. if the reference is a hash, we will call the build_method with %$hash.
4. if the reference is a scalar or other ref, we will call the build_method with $$ref.
5. if the reference is a glob, we will call the build_method with *$glob.
6. if the reference is a code, we will call the build_method with $code->( $key ) ( same thinf for the fallback )
7. other cases (like Regexes) we will carp if it is not in silence mode.


If true ( default is false ), we will omit the carp message if we can't autoderef.


If present, we will cache the result of the method resolve. The cache should responds to get, set and remove like CHI.

We will also cache fallback cases.

If we need add a new build_conf via add_build_conf_for, and override one existing configuration, we will remove it from the cache if possible.

default: not present



usage: add_build_conf_for( key => configuration [, options ])

Can add a new build configuration for one specific key. It is possible add new or just override.

You can change the behavior using an hash of options.

Options: you can avoid override one existing configuration with not_override and a true value.

Will remove cache if possible.

Example: $factory->add_build_conf_for( last => { foo => 1, bar => 2 }); # can override $factory->add_build_conf_for( last => { ... }, not_override => 1); # will croak instead override


usage: resolve( key [, keys ] )

The main method. Will build one instance of build_class using the build_conf and build_method.

Should receive a key and if does not exist a build_conf will try use the fallback if specified, or will die ( confess ).

If the cache attribute is present, will try to return first one object from the cache using the key, or will resolve and store in the cache for the next call.

You can pass multiple keys. If the instance responds to resolve method, we will call with the rest of the keys. It is useful for inline many factories.

Example: my $factory = Simple::Factory->new( 'Simple::Factory' => { Foo => { build_class => 'Foo', build_conf => { one => 1, two => 2, } }, Bar => { Bar => { first => { ... }, last => { ... }, } } } );

my $object = $factory->resolve('Foo', 'one'); # shortcut to ->resolve('Foo')->resolve('one');

If we have some exception when we try to create an instance for one particular key, we will not call the fallback. We use fallback when we can't find the build_conf based on the key.



A solderless way to wire up your application components.


A lightweight IOC (Inversion of Control) framework


Tiago Peczenyj <tiago (dot) peczenyj (at) gmail (dot) com>


Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website