GDPR::IAB::TCFv2::PublisherRestrictions - Transparency & Consent String version 2 publisher restriction


my $publisher_restrictions = GDPR::IAB::TCFv2::PublisherRestrictions->Parse(
    data      => substr($self->{data}, OFFSET ),
    data_size => length($self->{data}),
    options => { json => ... },

say "there is publisher restriction on purpose id 1, type 0 on vendor 284"
    if $publisher_restrictions->check_restriction(1, 0, 284);


Constructor Parse receives an hash of 3 parameters:

  • Key data is the binary data

  • Key data_size is the original binary data size

  • Key options is the GDPR::IAB::TCFv2 options (includes the json field to modify the "TO_JSON" method output.



Return true for a given combination of purpose id, restriction type and vendor

my $purpose_id = 1;
my $restriction_type = 0;
my $vendor = 284;
$ok = $range->check_restriction($purpose_id, $restriction_type, $vendor);


Returns a hashref with the following format:

    '[purpose id]' => {
        # 0 - Not Allowed
        # 1 - Require Consent
        # 2 - Require Legitimate Interest
        '[vendor id]' => 1,

Example, by parsing the consent COwAdDhOwAdDhN4ABAENAPCgAAQAAv___wAAAFP_AAp_4AI6ACACAA we can generate this hashref.

    "7" => {
        "32" => 1