Changes for version 0.25 - 2022-06-16

  • `builder` can now accept a coderef (stolen from Moo). (thanks, tobyink)
  • Disable true/make_immutable when loaded via stringy eval (thanks, tobyink)


An overview of MooseX::Extended optional attribute cloning
Objected construction for MooseX::Extended
Work-in-progress overview for MooseX::Extended
Shortcuts to make your Moose easier to write
Building a Better Moose


MooseX::Extended exception for invalid attribute definitions.
MooseX::Extended exception for import arguments.
Extend Moose with safe defaults and useful features
Internal module for MooseX::Extended
Build a custom Moose, just for you.
MooseX::Extended roles
Build a custom Moose::Role, just for you.
Keep our type tools organized