Bundle::perlWebSite - a bundle for perlWebSite


perl -MCPAN -e "install 'Bundle::perlWebSite'"


CGI [ 2.89 ]
CGI::Cache [ 1.40 ]
CGI::Carp [ 1.24 ]
CGI::Util [ 1.3 ]
Cache::Cache [ 1.01 ]
Digest::SHA1 [ 2.01 ]
Error [ 0.15 ]
File::Find::Rule [ 0.08 ]
File::Temp [ 0.12 ]
Number::Compare [ 0.01 ]
Storable [ 2.06 ]
Template [ 2.08 ]
Template::Base [ 2.55 ]
Template::Config [ 2.55 ]
Template::Constants [ 2.54 ]
Template::Context [ 2.69 ]
Template::Directive [ 2.16 ]
Template::Document [ 2.56 ]
Template::Exception [ 2.51 ]
Template::Filters [ 2.59 ]
Template::Grammar [ 2.17 ]
Template::Iterator [ 2.53 ]
Template::Parser [ 2.66 ]
Template::Plugins [ 2.58 ]
Template::Provider [ 2.62 ]
Template::Service [ 2.60 ]
Template::Stash [ 2.68 ]
Text::Glob [ 0.05 ]
Text::WikiFormat [ 0.45 ]
Time::Piece [ 1.08 ]
URI::Escape [ 3.16 ]
XML::Parser [ 2.31 ]
XML::Parser::Expat [ 2.31 ]
XML::Simple [ 1.05 ]


Bundle::perlWebSite will install all the perl modules required to run perlWebSite, a mini-CMS. This bundle was created using the following procedure:

h2xs -AXcfn Bundle::perWebSite

and then editing the .pm file appropriately. Then, from a bash prompt:

perl -d:Modlist -MDevel::Modlist=nocore index.cgi 2>&1|egrep '^[A-Z].*[0-9]$'|awk '{print $1 " [ " $2 " ]"}' >>

This output was then moved into the CONTENTS section. This did not eliminate modules that are part of other modules (c.f. Template::*). Close enough for jazz, though.


Duncan M. McGreggor <oubiwann at cpan dot org>