Sub::Curried - Currying of subroutines via a new 'curry' declarator
curry add_n_to ($n, $val) {
return $n+$val;
my $add_10_to = add_n_to( 10 );
say $add_10_to->(4); # 14
# but you can also
say add_n_to(10,4); # also 14
# or more traditionally
say add_n_to(10)->(4);
Currying and Partial Application come from the heady world of functional programming, but are actually useful techniques. Partial Application is used to progressively specialise a subroutine, by pre-binding some of the arguments.
Partial application is the generic term, that also encompasses the concept of plugging in "holes" in arguments at arbitrary positions. Currying is more specifically the application of arguments progressively from left to right until you have enough of them.
Define a curried subroutine using the curry
keyword. You should list the arguments to the subroutine in parentheses. This isn't a sophisticated signature parser, just a common separated list of scalars (or @array
or %hash
arguments, which will be returned as a reference).
curry greet ($greeting, $greetee) {
return "$greeting $greetee";
my $hello = greet("Hello");
say $hello->("World"); # Hello World
Currying applies the arguments from left to right, returning a more specialised function as it goes until all the arguments are ready, at which point the sub returns its value.
curry three ($one,$two,$three) {
return $one + $two * $three
three(1,2,3) # normal call - returns 7
three(1) # a new subroutine, with $one bound to the number 1
->(2,3) # call the new sub with these arguments
three(1)->(2)->(3) # You could call the curried sub like this,
# instead of commas (1,2,3)
What about calling with no arguments? By extension that would return a function exactly like the original one... but with no arguments prebound (i.e. it's an alias!)
my $fn = three; # same as my $fn = \&three;
Anonymous curries
Just like you can have anonymous subs, you can have anonymous curried subs:
my $greet = curry ($greeting, $greetee) { ... }
Curried subroutines are composable. This means that we can create a new subroutine that takes the result of the second subroutine as the input of the first.
Let's say we wanted to expand our greeting to add some punctuation at the end:
curry append ($r, $l) { $l . $r }
curry prepend ($l, $r) { $l . $r }
my $ciao = append('!') << prepend('Ciao ');
say $ciao->('Bella'); # Ciao Bella!
How does this work? Follow the pipeline in the direction of the <<... First we prepend 'Ciao ' to get 'Ciao Bella', then we pass that to the curry that appends '!'.
The overloaded syntax is provided by Sub::Composable
which is distributed with this module as a base class.
No major bugs currently open. Please report any bugs via RT or email, or ping me on IRC (osfameron on and freenode)
Devel::Declare provides the magic (yes, there's a teeny bit of code generation involved, but it's not a global filter, rather a localised parsing hack).
There are several modules on CPAN that already do currying or partial evaluation:
Perl6::Currying - Filter based module prototyping the Perl 6 system
Sub::Curry - seems rather complex, with concepts like blackholes and antispices. Odd.
AutoCurry - creates a currying variant of all existing subs automatically. Very odd.
Sub::DeferredPartial - partial evaluation with named arguments (as hash keys). Has some great debugging hooks (the function is a blessed object which displays what the current bound keys are).
Attribute::Curried - exactly what we want minus the sugar. (The attribute has to declare how many arguments it's expecting)
This module is distributed under the same terms and conditions as Perl itself.
Please submit bugs to RT or shout at me on IRC (osfameron on on
A git repo is available at