Usage: perl-tags <options> <input files or dirs...>
Generates "perltags" files for use with your editor of choice.


-h/--help      Display this help
-v/--version   Display the version number

-o/--outfile   Set the path/name of the output file (default: perltags)
-d/--depth     Set the max recursion depth (recursion into "use Module", etc)
               (default: 10, use 0 to set no limit)
               Set whether variables should be indexed. (Default: yes)

-p/--ppi       use PPI parsing (Default: no)
--prune        Glob patterns to prune. May be passed multiple times. 
               (Default: .git, .svn)


Copyright 2009-2014, Steffen Mueller, with contributions from osfameron