Lazy::Utils - Utility functions


version 1.13


Utility functions

use Lazy::Utils;
file_get_contents($path, $prefs);
file_put_contents($path, $contents, $prefs);
shellmeta($s, $nonquoted);
_system($cmd, @argv);
commandArgs($prefs, @argv);
whereisBin($name, $path);
fileCache($tag, $expiry, $subref);
getPodText($fileName, $section, $exclude_section);


Collection of utility functions all of exported by default



trims given string

$str: string will be trimed

return value: trimed string


trims left given string

$str: string will be trimed

return value: trimed string


trims right given string

$str: string will be trimed

return value: trimed string

file_get_contents($path, $prefs)

gets all contents of file in string type

$path: path of file

$prefs: preferences in hash type, by default undef

    utf8: opens file-handle as :utf8 mode, by default 0

return value: file contents in string type, otherwise undef because of errors

file_put_contents($path, $contents, $prefs)

puts all contents of file in string type

$path: path of file

$contents: file contents in string type

$prefs: preferences in hash type, by default undef

    utf8: opens file-handle as :utf8 mode, by default 0

return value: success 1, otherwise undef

shellmeta($s, $nonquoted)

escapes metacharacters of interpolated shell string

$s: interpolated shell string

$nonquoted: also escapes whitespaces and * character for non-quoted interpolated shell string, by default 0

return value: escaped string

_system($cmd, @argv)

executes a system command like Perl system call

$cmd: command

@argv: command line arguments

return value: exit code of command. 511 if fatal error occurs

returned $?: return code of wait call like on Perl system call

returned $!: system error message like on Perl system call


reads a line using bash

$prompt: prompt, by default ''

return value: line

commandArgs([$prefs, ]@argv)

resolves command line arguments

valuableArgs is off, eg;

--opt1 --opt2=val2 cmd param1 param2 param3
-opt1 -opt2=val2 cmd param1 param2 param3
-opt1 -opt2=val2 cmd param1 -- param2 param3
-opt1 cmd param1 -opt2=val2 param2 param3
-opt1 cmd param1 -opt2=val2 -- param2 param3
cmd -opt1 param1 -opt2=val2 param2 param3
cmd -opt1 param1 -opt2=val2 -- param2 param3

valuableArgs is on, eg;

-opt1 -opt2=val2 cmd param1 param2 param3
-opt1 -opt2 val2 cmd param1 param2 param3
-opt1 -opt2 -- cmd param1 param2 param3
cmd -opt1 -opt2 val2 param1 param2 param3
cmd -opt1 -opt2 -- param1 param2 param3
cmd param1 -opt1 -opt2 val2 param2 param3
cmd param1 -opt1 -opt2 -- param2 param3

$prefs: preferences in HashRef, optional

    valuableArgs: accepts option value after option if next argument is not an option, by default 0

    noCommand: use first parameter instead of command, by default 0

    optionAtAll: DEPRECATED: now, it is always on. accepts options after command or first parameter otherwise evaluates as parameter, by default 0

@argv: command line arguments

return value: eg;

{ --opt1 => '', --opt2 => 'val2', command => 'cmd', parameters => ['param1', 'param2', 'param3'] }
{ -opt1 => '', -opt2 => 'val2', command => 'cmd', parameters => ['param1', 'param2', 'param3'] }
{ -opt1 => '', -opt2 => '', command => 'cmd', parameters => ['param1', 'param2', 'param3'] }

cmdArgs([$prefs, ]@argv)

synonym with commandArgs()

whereisBin($name, $path)

searches valid binary in search path

$name: binary name

$path: search path, by default "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"

return value: array of binary path founded in search path

fileCache($tag, $expiry, $subref)

gets most recent cached value in file cache by given tag and caller function if there is cached value in expiry period. Otherwise tries to get current value using $subref, puts value in cache and cleanups old cache values.

$tag: tag for cache

$expiry: cache expiry period

    <0: always gets most recent cached value if there is any cached value. Otherwise tries to get current value using $subref, puts and cleanups.

    =0: never gets cached value. Always tries to get current value using $subref, puts and cleanups.

    >0: gets most recent cached value in cache if there is cached value in expiry period. Otherwise tries to get current value using $subref, puts and cleanups.

$subref: sub reference to get current value

return value: cached or current value, otherwise undef if there isn't cached value and current value doesn't get

getPodText($fileName, $section, $exclude_section)

gets a text of pod contents in given file

$fileName: file name of searching pod, by default running file

$section: searching head1 section of pod, by default undef gets all of contents

$exclude_section: excludes section name, by default undef

return value: text of pod in string or array by line, otherwise undef if an error occurs


To install this module type the following

perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install

from CPAN

cpan -i Lazy::Utils


This module requires these other modules and libraries:

  • JSON

  • Pod::Simple::Text





Orkun Karaduman <>


Copyright (C) 2017 Orkun Karaduman <>

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.