OpenMP::Simple - Wrapper around Alien::OpenMP that provides helpful C MACROs and runtime functions


use strict;
use warnings;

use OpenMP::Simple;
use OpenMP::Environment;

use Inline (
    C    => 'DATA',
    with => qw/OpenMP::Simple/,

my $env = OpenMP::Environment->new;

for my $want_num_threads ( 1 .. 8 ) {

    $env->assert_omp_environment; # (optional) validates %ENV

    # call parallelized C function
    my $got_num_threads = _check_num_threads();

    printf "%0d threads spawned in ".
            "the OpenMP runtime, expecting %0d\n",
              $got_num_threads, $want_num_threads;


/* C function parallelized with OpenMP */
int _check_num_threads() {
  int ret = 0;


  #pragma omp parallel
    #pragma omp single
    ret = omp_get_num_threads();

  return ret;

See the ./t directory for many more examples. It should be obvious, but Test::More is not required; it's just for show and convenience here.


This module is a wrapper that provides a custom ".h" file, which is injected into Alien::OpenMP via Inline:C's AUTO_INCLUDE hook. This header file constains C MACROs for reading OpenMP relavent environmental variables via %ENV (set preferably using OpenMP::Environment) and by calling the standard OpenMP runtime functions to set them (e.g., OMP_NUM_THREADS / set_omp_num_threads).

OpenMP::Simple is meant to work directly with OpenMP::Environment in a way that provides the same runtime control experience that OpenMP's environmental variables provides.

The most common use case is updating the number of OpenMP threads that are defined via OMP_NUM_THREADS.

Experimental Parts

There is some attempt at helping to deal with getting data structures that are very common in the computational domains into and out of these Inline::C'd routines that are parallized via OpenMP. We are currently investigating what is actually needed in this regard. It is possible that a lot of this is unnecessariy and it is likely that a large number of read-only scenerios involving Perl internal data structures and OpenMP threads are actually thread-safe. This does not address the potential knowledge gap for those who are more experienced with C and OpenMP than they are with the Perl C API for accessing internal Perl data structures inside of C code.


Updating Runtime with Environmental Variables

All MACROS have at least 1 test in the suite. Please look at these in the Github repository to get an idea of how to use OpenMP::Simple's macros with OpenMP::Environment.


Updates the OpenMP runtime with the value of the environmental variable, $ENV{OMP_NUM_THREADS}, which is managed via OpenMP::Environment->omp_num_threads[int numThreads]);.


Updates the OpenMP runtime with the value of the environmental variable, $ENV{OMP_DEFAULT_DEVICE}, which is managed via OpenMP::Environment->omp_default_device([int deviceNo]);.


Updates the OpenMP runtime with the value of the environmental variable, $ENV{OMP_MAX_ACTIVE_LEVELS}, which is managed via OpenMP::Environment->omp_max_active_levels([int maxLevel]);.


Updates the OpenMP runtime with the value of the environmental variable, $ENV{OMP_DYNAMIC}, which is managed via OpenMP::Environment->omp_dynamic(['true'|'false']);.


Updates the OpenMP runtime with the value of the environmental variable, $ENV{OMP_NESTED}, which is managed via OpenMP::Environment->omp_nested(['true'|'false']);.


Updates the OpenMP runtime with the value of the environmental variable, $ENV{OMP_SCHEDULE}, which is managed via OpenMP::Environment->omp_schedule(...);.

Note: The schedule syntax is of the form schedule[;chunkSize].


Updates the OpenMP runtime with the value of the environmental variable, $ENV{OMP_TEAMS_THREAD_LIMIT}, which is managed via OpenMP::Environment->omp_([int limit]);.

Note: OMP_TEAMS_THREAD_LIMIT is not supported until GCC 12.3.0


Updates the OpenMP runtime with the value of the environmental variable, $ENV{OMP_NUM_TEAMS}, which is managed via OpenMP::Environment->omp_([int num]);.

Note: OMP_NUM_TEAMS is not supported until GCC 12.3.0


(may not be needed) - creates a new AV* and sets it mortal (doesn't survive outside of the current scope). Used when wanting to return an array reference that's been populated via av_push.


Note: Work is currently focused on finding the true limits of the Perl C API. It is likely that in a lot of cases, elements in Perl Arrays (AV) and Perl Hashes (HV) maybe accessed safely without first transferring the entire data structures into its pure C equivalent.

PerlOMP_2D_AoA_TO_2D_FLOAT_ARRAY(AoA, num_nodes, dims, nodes)

Used to extract the contents of a 2D rectangular Perl array reference that has been used to represent a 2D matrix.

float nodes[num_nodes][dims];
PerlOMP_2D_AoA_TO_2D_FLOAT_ARRAY(AoA, num_nodes, dims, nodes);


This is a module that aims at making it easier to bootstrap Perl+OpenMP programs. It is designed to work together with OpenMP::Environment.

This module heavily favors the GOMP implementation of the OpenMP specification within gcc. In fact, it has not been tested with any other implementations because Alien::OpenMP doesn't support anything other than GCC at the time of this writing due to lack of anyone asking for it.

Please also see the rperl project for a glimpse into the potential future of Perl+OpenMP, particularly in regards to thread-safe data structures.


Brett Estrade <>


Same as Perl.