Search::Xapian::Database - Search database object
This class represents a Xapian database for searching. See Search::Xapian::WritableDatabase for an object suitable for indexing. To perform searches, this class works with the Search::Xapian::Query object.
- new <database>
Class constructor. Can either take a path to an existing database or another database class as the first parameter
- clone
Return a clone of this class.
- add_database
Add an existing database (or group of databases) to those accessed by this object.
- reopen
This re-opens the database(s) to the latest available version(s). It can be used either to make sure the latest results are returned, or to recover from a Xapian::DatabaseModifiedError.
- close
Close the database. This also implies a commit() unless a transaction is in progress.
- enquire [<query>]
Returns a new Search::Xapian::Enquire object. Any extra parameters are passed to set_query.
- get_doccount
Returns the number of document indexed in this database.
- get_lastdocid
Returns the id of the last used document.
- get_doclength <doc_id>
Returns the length of a given document.
- get_document <doc_id>
Returns a Search::Xapian::Document object for the given document.
- get_avlength
Get the average length of the documents in the database.
- get_termfreq <term>
Get the number of documents in the database indexed by a given term.
- term_exists <term>
returns true if this term exists in the database, or false otherwise.
- get_description
return a description of this object.
- get_spelling_suggestion
returns a suggested spelling correction.
- allterms_begin [<prefix>]
Returns a Search::Xapian::TermIterator iterating over the termlist for the the entire database. If the optional prefix argument is non-empty, only terms starting with that string are returned.
- allterms_end [<prefix>]
Returns a Search::Xapian::TermIterator pointing to the end of the termlist corresponding to allterms_begin.
- termlist_begin <docid>
Returns a Search::Xapian::TermIterator pointing to the start of the termlist for a given document.
- termlist_end <docid>
Returns a Search::Xapian::TermIterator pointing to the end of the termlist for a given document.
- positionlist_begin <docid> <term>
Returns a Search::Xapian::PositionIterator pointing to the start of the position list for a given term in the given document.
- positionlist_end <docid> <term>
Returns a Search::Xapian::PositionIterator pointing to the end of the position list for a given term in the given document.
- postlist_begin <term>
Returns a Search::Xapian::PostingIterator pointing to the start of the posting list for a given term.
- postlist_end <term>
Returns a Search::Xapian::PostingIterator pointing to the end of the posting list for a given term.
- keep_alive
Send a "keep-alive" to remote databases to stop them timing out.
- get_collection_freq <term>
Get the number of elements indexed by a certain term.
Search::Xapian, Search::Xapian::Enquire, Search::Xapian::WritableDatabase