Search::Xapian::Document - Document object
This class represents a document in a Xapian database.
- new
Class constructor.
- clone
Return a clone of this class.
- get_value (value_no)
Returns the value by the assigned number.
- add_value <value_no> <value>
Set a value by value number.
- remove_value <value_no>
Removes the value with the assigned number.
- clear_values
Clear all set values.
- get_data
Return all document data.
- set_data <data>
Set all document data. This can be anything you like.
- add_posting <term> <position> [<weight>]
Adds a term at the given position. weight defaults to 1.
- remove_posting <term> <position> [<weight]
Removes a term from the given position. weight defaults to 1.
- add_term <term> [<weight>]
Adds a term without positional information. weight defaults to 1.
- remove_term <term>
Removes a term without positional information.
- clear_terms
Remove all terms from the document.
- termlist_count
Returns number of terms in the document.
- termlist_begin
Iterator for the terms in this document. Returns a Search::Xapian::TermIterator.
- termlist_end
Equivalent end iterator for termlist_begin(). Returns a Search::Xapian::TermIterator.
- values_count
Return number of defined values for this document.
- values_begin
Return a Search::Xapian::ValueIterator pointing at the start of the values in this document.
- values_end
Return a Search::Xapian::ValueIterator pointing at the end of the values in this document.
- get_description
Document description (for introspection)