JSON::RPC2::AnyEvent::Client - Nonblocking JSON RPC2 client with method mapping.


use JSON::RPC2::AnyEvent::Client;

# create connection
my $rpc = JSON::RPC2::AnyEvent::Client->new(
    host    => "",
    port    => 5555,

# call
$rpc->rpcfn( 1, 'two', 3, sub{
    my ( $failed, $result, $error ) = @_;
    print Dumper $result if ! $failed && ! $error;

# call remote function with some configure
$rpc->service('agent')->listed()->remote_function( 'param1', 'param2', sub{
    my ( $failed, $result, $error ) = @_;

# more arguments desctibed below
my $rpc = JSON::RPC2::AnyEvent::Client->new(
    host    => "",
    port    => 5555,
    service => 'agent',
    call    => 'listed' || 'named',
    service => '_service',  # rename any this module methods

# destroy rpc connection when done


JSON::RPC2::AnyEvent::Client is JSON RPC2 client, currently with tcp transport, handled by AnyEvent::Handle, and remote functions mapping to local client functions, and based on JSON RPC2 implementation JSON::RPC2::Client.


$rpc = new JSON::RPC2::AnyEvent::Client host=>'', ...

The constructor supports these arguments (all as key => value pairs).

host => ''

The hostname or ip address.

port => 5555

The tcp port number

service => 'agent'

Set the service name, it will be prefix before remote function name with dot as separator. So if service is 'agent' then call like $rpc->remote_fn(), then agent.remote_fn will be called

call => 'listed' || 'named'

Type of RPC call, default listed.

any_method_name => 'remap_method_name'

If remote server have method with same name as in this module, it is possible to rename this module method_name to another name remap_method_name

service ( "service_name" )

Set remote service name, if undef - then no service name used.


RPC listed call type will be used.


RPC named call type will be used.

any other name ( $param1, $param2, ..., $cb )

Any method name will called via RPC on remote server. Last param must be event handler cb(). There is params of cb ( $failed, $result, $error ); Where $result is server responce, valid only when there is no fail or error.




Copyright (C) Serguei Okladnikov.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Serguei Okladnikov < >