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ohgaksjhfaksjhfaosyfashfask hf kasfhaslhfushfkjsbfkadsfhasfyqweurfhqwjkfhaskl safkahsfklahsdfqwuhyefihasdfh9p2faksdvbskadbfvasfgp9qw78faksf ksfsa kfgp9qwfg fhasg foia gpwrfg qfhg 793yqf if kjfg p97qfryifugwaihfgaspd9f7yaw kfjhfisfgawp97 yf safa ipasafg aifgapiwtfwapughdkhsfgp97qyre ffgifgpw9q fiwg fwifgipf sak fgpiasf fsad flsagf2g fhwfg sdft gwif gsajfgpq97wfa wfhg aspf7tq fpiyqgf wpifg 92e7yf sflksadifgs afwg fg salifg pof2qgkfh gaiw7efawifgalg awitf iawgt fasgf liaygt4 q7iy klfg asifg p2rg liygfslit 7q24gfiag sfkhgfp7 9q2giugfaw;kfga slhdf gpqw97tawrg
slhfgsafgwapgf wljafg piryfg wifgwifg qwi gslhvgasfgyg ffg awiyfg waldhgfsad y fgp2q8 gfahsfgawiyfg pwqgfsahgf pwia fgwhfgaslhfas sf hafgwqifgawfgaslfgawpo8g fawufgasdyfgqew gjlhafg iyqwfg jhs gal awgfaiwg ipfgw i fshf gspiydfg awhf gasfgwapfiygwafhasdilfgsayfgsa s k jhfsak fhwqepuhfsakjfhasp yfhkawehfpayh4iufh asiufh pawyhfawuhksjad
szknjbfgsaiu p97qythkl ghp97eyghgkldhg lksadgh973qy iuhgsh gskldhgklsdh gal k sf gkhsjfgsof tgw8qtfrwjhgf aslfdgw7yf wafgasidfygwa78yf asdk hfaskjf gasjf sa fgasjfgrgtf q2gfrawjgfas jlkdfg 87 t yruygwfjwkfgakjsfg as fytagf sadfk asfosag fo82tgfuyagsfag fp724yrfhasdjkfhasudify928fhkajsdhfaslkfhas sflhsagfalsgf p 7a9wyr flwagf lisag piawg fywag aywg fyalsg faljsgfaw8 tfashh sdkf asjfgsgf ywag fsaygfsahfg pfrtgqy fgsdgfw apyfg jhrwg fp7892g fjg sajl
std::string spod_html::escape(const std::string & block)
int i,N,p;
std::string NB,esc;
for(p=i=0,N=block.size();i<N;i++) {
switch (block[i]) {
case '<': esc="<";
case '>': esc=">";
case '&': esc="&";
if (esc!="") {
if (p<i) {
return NB;
sdalkjfhashkjfh sdfkjhasfk
;*taste bigloo
(module spod2html
(import spod)
(main main))
;*taste gauche
;(use spod)
;*taste end
(define (main the-args)
(define (pversion)
(print (spod:version))
(define (plicense)
(print (spod:license))
(define (wcss cssfile)
(let ((fh (open-output-file cssfile)))
(display (spod:standard-CSS) fh)
(close-output-port fh)))
(define (usage)
(let ((cmd (car the-args)))
(print "usage: " #\newline
cmd " <options> [<file in> [<file out>]]"
" options:" #\newline
" --version - displays the version number" #\newline
" --license - displays license message" #\newline
" --stylesheet=<sheet.css> - uses <sheet.css> link for stylesheet" #\newline
" --comment[=<comment>] - uses <comment> as comment prefixer" #\newline
" --pod - uses old style pod, no comment prefixed" #\newline
" same as '--comment' or '--comment='" #\newline
" --toc=<toc header> - Use toc-header as header for the table of " #\newline
" contents (default=Contents)." #\newline
" --notoc - Do not write out a table of contents" #\newline
" --write-css=<file.css> - Write out the standard css for spod" #\newline
" examples:" #\newline
" " cmd " --comment spodspec.pod spodspec.html" #\newline
" " cmd " --pod spodspec.pod spodspec.html" #\newline
" " cmd " --comment=// source.cpp" #\newline
" " cmd " spod.scm" #\newline)
(let ((args (cdr the-args))
(comment ";")
(stylesheet "")
(in-file "")
(out-file "")
(version #f)
(license #f)
(writecss #f)
(error #f)
(contents "Contents"))
(define (arg-handler key val)
((string-ci=? key "--comment") (set! comment val))
((string-ci=? key "--pod") (set! comment ""))
((string-ci=? key "--stylesheet") (set! stylesheet val))
((string-ci=? key "--version") (set! version #t))
((string-ci=? key "--license") (set! license #t))
((string-ci=? key "--toc") (set! contents val))
((string-ci=? key "--notoc") (set! contents #f))
((string-ci=? key "--write-css") (if (string=? val "")
(set! error "--write-css needs a filename (forgotten '='?)")
(set! writecss val)))
((string=? key "")
(if (= (string-length in-file) 0)
(set! in-file val)
(if (= (string-length out-file) 0)
(set! out-file val)
(set! error "To many files specified"))))
(else (set! error (string-append "Unknown option '" key "'")))))
(spod:get-args arg-handler args)
(if (not (eq? error #f))
(print #\newline "ERROR: " error #\newline))
((not (eq? error #f)) (usage))
((eq? version #t) (pversion))
((eq? license #t) (plicense))
((not (eq? writecss #f)) (wcss writecss))
(if (string=? in-file "")
(let ((POD (spod:parse in-file comment)))
(if (string=? out-file "")
(set! out-file (string-append in-file ".html")))
(if (eq? POD #f)
(print "ERROR: Cannot read '" in-file "'")
(spod:to-html POD (list "file" out-file)
(list "stylesheet" stylesheet)
(list "contents" contents))
(define-syntax %oo-mset
(syntax-rules ()
((%oo-mset ((f a ...) fdef) val) #t)
((%oo-mset ((f a . b) fdef) val) #t)
((%oo-mset ((f . a) fdef) val) #t)
((%oo-mset (m1 v1) val) (set! m1 val))))
(letrec ((a 5)
(b 10)
(c (* a b)))
(define (q r)
(+ c r))
(/ (* (q b) b) a))
(define (q a b)
(list (number->string a) (symbol->string b)))
(set-cdr! (q 2 3) (list 3 4))
Pre pre
pre pre
These are A number of links, an other link to the image and an other link, or even in the document.
pre an other
pre an oter
pre pre pre
Table support
Foot this text hmm?
24 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 60:
You have '=item 1' instead of the expected '=item 2'
- Around line 64:
You have '=item 1' instead of the expected '=item 3'
- Around line 71:
You have '=item 1' instead of the expected '=item 4'
- Around line 101:
Unknown directive: =image
- Around line 116:
Unknown directive: =syn
- Around line 163:
=back without =over
- Around line 165:
Unknown directive: =syn
- Around line 296:
Unknown directive: =syn
- Around line 323:
Unknown directive: =table
- Around line 325:
Unknown directive: =hcell
- Around line 327:
Unknown directive: =hline
- Around line 329:
Unknown directive: =hcell
- Around line 331:
Unknown directive: =hline
- Around line 333:
Unknown directive: =cell
- Around line 335:
Unknown directive: =rcell
- Around line 337:
Unknown directive: =cell
- Around line 339:
Unknown directive: =rcell
- Around line 341:
Unknown directive: =cell
- Around line 345:
Unknown directive: =rcell
- Around line 349:
Unknown directive: =cell
- Around line 351:
Unknown directive: =row
- Around line 353:
Unknown directive: =cell
- Around line 355:
Unknown directive: =ccell
- Around line 357:
Unknown directive: =table