Aut::Crypt - Symmetric encryption for Aut
This module provides an easy interface to Crypt::CBC to use with the Aut framework. It uses blowfish to encrypt/decrypt stuff.
new(seed) --> Aut::Crypt
Instantiates a new Aut::Crypt
object with given seed value as encryption key.
encrypt(plaintext) --> ciphertext
Encrypts the given plaintext using Crypt::CBC's encrypt function with key 'seed' and cipher 'Blowfish'. Returns the encrypted ciphertext as is.
decrypt(ciphertext) --> plaintext
Decrypts the given ciphertext using Crypt::CBC's decrypt function with key 'seed' and cipher 'Blowfish'. Returns the plaintext as is. There's no check weather the decryption resulted in anything valid. This has to be checked by the caller.
A simple practice is to prepend a plaintext with some other known plaintext and use the other plaintext to check if the decryption resulted in anything really plain.