Namespace::Subroutines - Finds subroutines in namespace (attributes included).
use Namespace::Subroutines;
sub ( $mod, $subname, $subref, $attrs ) {
# $mod = [qw( My App Controller Home )]
# $subname = 'foo'
# $subref = sub {...}
# $attrs = [qw( GET )]
package My::App::Controller::Home;
sub foo :GET {}
Namespace::Subroutines is a module that explores your @INC in order to seek out every module placed within the given namespace. Then, invokes your callback once for every subroutine found in each module.
There is one thing to be aware of. This module uses a very simple strategy to decide which subroutines to pick: From all the subroutines present in the module's symbol table, Namespace::Subroutines will keep only those that are explicitly defined. Basically, this module will check each line in the module's source code file and if it starts with a subroutine definition, that subroutine is picked. (regex: $line =~ /^sub\s+(\w+)[\:\(\s]/)
Use case: Autogenerate Mojolicious application routes
my $r = $self->routes;
sub ( $mod, $subname, $subref, $attrs ) {
my $controller = join( '::', $mod->@* );
my $path = '/' . lc join( '/', $mod->@*, $subname );
foreach my $verb ( $attrs->@* ) {
$verb = lc $verb;
->to( controller => $controller, action => $subname );
package My::App::Controller::Home;
sub welcome :GET ($self) { # <-- GET is defined in My::App domain
$self->render( msg => 'Hello, world!' );
Copyright (C) José Manuel Rodríguez D..
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
José Manuel Rodríguez D. <>