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HTTP::Server::EV - Asynchronous HTTP server written in C with request parser.


HTTP::Server::EV - Asynchronous HTTP server using EV event loop. It doesn`t load files received in the POST request in memory as moust of CGI modules does, but stores them directly to tmp files, so it`s useful for handling large files without using a lot of memory.


HTTP::Server::EV::CGI - received http request object

HTTP::Server::EV::MultipartFile - received file object

HTTP::Server::EV::Buffer - non blocking output

HTTP::Server::EV::BufTie - workaround for correct handling requests in Coro threads

HTTP::Server::EV::IO::AIO - Non-blocking disk IO.

HTTP::Server::EV::IO::Blocking - Blocking IO.


use EV;
use Coro;
use HTTP::Server::EV;

my $server = HTTP::Server::EV->new;

$server->listen(90, sub {
	my $cgi = shift;

	print "Just another Perl server\n";



new( { options } )



Directory for saving received files. Tries to create if not found, dies on fail. Default: ./upload_tmpfiles/


Usually HTTP::Server::EV::CGI deletes tmp files on DESTROY, but it might by bug if you delete HTTP::Server::EV::CGI object when its files are still opened. Setting on this flag causes HTTP::Server::EV delete all files in tmp_path on program close, but don`t use it if jou have several process working with same tmp dir. Default: 0


Seting on cause HTTP::Server::EV::CGI parse ip from X-Real-IP http header Default: 0

listen( port num or IO::Socket::INET object , sub {req_received_callback} , { optional parameters and multipart processing callbacks })

Binds callback to port. Calls callback and passes HTTP::Server::EV::CGI object in it. Returns HTTP::Server::EV::PortListener obeject, you can keep it and use to stop port listening.

$server->listen( 8080 , sub {
	my $cgi = shift;
	$cgi->attach(local *STDOUT); # attach STDOUT to socket
	$cgi->header; # print http headers to stdout
	print "Test page";

$server->listen( 8080 , sub {
	my $cgi = shift;
	$cgi->attach(local *STDOUT); # attach STDOUT to socket
	$cgi->header; # print http headers to stdout
	print "Test page";
}, { 
	threading => 1, # run every req_received_callback in Coro thread. "use Coro;" first
	timeout => 1*60 , # server drops request if there is no activity on socket after "timeout" sec. 1min default. Set 0 to disable
	#This is for not fully received requests, received requests aren't affected and you can keep request object with socket as long as you need it.
	fork_hook => sub {
		# do preforking here if you want. Forking more than 1 process per core may be inefficient if you app fully asynchronous. HTTP::Server::EV is fully asynchronous itself if uses IO::AIO
	#multipart processing callbacks
	# you needn't specify all callbacks
	on_multipart => sub {
		my ($cgi) = @_;
		# called on multipart body receiving start
	on_file_open => sub {
		my ($cgi, $multipart_file_obj ) = @_;
		# called on multipart file receiving start
	on_file_write => sub {
		my ($cgi, $multipart_file_obj, $data_chunk ) = @_;
		# called when file part written to disk. 
		# useful for on flow calculting hashes like md5 
		# or just to know progress by reading  $multipart_file_obj->{size}
	on_file_received => sub {
		my ($cgi, $multipart_file_obj) = @_;
		# called on file writing done
	on_error => sub {
		my ($cgi) = @_;
		# called when server drops multipart post connection. 
		# also called when you manually reject connection by calling $cgi_obj->drop;


Delete all files in tmp_path. Automatically called on DESTROY if cleanup_on_destroy set


Static allocated buffers:

- 4kb for GET/POST form field names

- 4kb for GET values

- 50kb for POST form field values ( not for files. Files are stored into tmp directly from socket stream, so filesize not limited by HTTP::Server::EV)

HTTP::Server::EV drops connection if some buffer overflows. You can change these values in EV.xs and recompile module.


This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.