WWW::AdServer - a mod_perl banner ad server
<Location /foo/bar/adverts>
PerlHandler WWW::AdServer
PerlSetVar ADCONFIG '/path/to/config/directory'
This is the ad server part of WWW::AdServer. You can install this on as many webservers as you wish, but you will also need to install WWW::AdServer::Admin on one machine that has secure-shell (ssh) access to all the ad servers. Note that you will need to download WWW::AdServer::Admin separately.
Before starting up your AdServer, you should make the config directory (mkdir /path/to/config/directory) and loosen the default access privileges (chmod 0777 /path/to/config/directory). You should realise that this allows anyone with a login shell on your server can tinker with your adverts. In the future, I hope to change this loophole, but for now I'm 'releasing early, releasing often'. Using a web browser, a few refreshes on a non-existant advert should build the necessary config directory structure.
Next, download and install WWW:AdServer::Admin.
Note also that you can run WWW::AdServer through a CGI script if you have my Apache::Emulator module installed. Here's what your CGI script should look like:
#!/path/to/your/perl -w
use strict;
use Apache::Emulator;
Apache::Emulator->new( PerlHandler=>'WWW::AdServer', PerlSetVar=>{ADCONFIG=>'/path/to/config/directory'} );
None by default.
Nigel Wetters (
Copyright (c) 2001, Nigel Wetters. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.