Mojo::Command::Generate::InitScript::Debian - Initscript generator for Linux Debian
$ ./ generate help init_script debian
usage: ./ generate init_script target_os [OPTIONS]
These options are available:
--output <folder> Set folder to output initscripts
--deploy Deploy initscripts into OS
Either --deploy or --output=dist should be specified
--name <name> Ovewrite name which is used for initscript filename(s)
Debian initscript related options:
--should-start <applist> defines facilities which, if present,
should be available during startup of this service
--should-stop <applist> facilities which should be available
during shutdown of this service.
--runlevels <runlevels> which run levels should by default run the init script
with a start (stop) argument to start (stop)
(Default: 2 3 4 5)