Reflexive::Role::DataMover - Provides a composable behavior for moving data between Reflex::Streams


version 1.110030


package MyDataMover;
use Moose;

extends 'Reflex::Base';

foreach my $attr (qw/input output/)
    has $attr =>
        is => 'ro',
        does => 'Reflex::Role::Streaming',
        clearer => 'clear_'.$attr,
        predicate => 'has_'.$attr,

with 'Reflexive::Role::DataMover';


Reflexive::Role::DataMover is a composable behavior that provides functionality for streaming data between two Reflex::Streams. It is a parameterized role, so there is tons of configurability available, but the defaults should be sane enough to avoid using most of it. See "ROLE_PARAMTERS" for details.

Essentially what this role does is upon BUILD it watches the events out of each of the handles. This kickstarts reading from the "input" handle. on_input_data is setup to respond to the "data" event. This in turn emits a "output_data" event which is watched internally, to then put() the data into the other stream. When the input stream reached EOF, all of the clean up happens which includes manually flushing the output handle to make sure everything is written out. Then all of the events are ignored, the streams cleared, and the instance implodes allowing the Collection container to reap it (if it is stored inside one).

This role consumes the Collectible role and so emits a stopped event when everything is said and done.



default: input

input contains the name of the attribute holding the input stream


default: output

output contains the name of the attribute holding the output stream


default: on_input_data

cb_input_data contains the name of the callback intended to handle the data event emitted from the input handle.


default: on_input_error

cb_input_error contains the name of the callback intended to handle the error event emitted from the input handle.


default: on_input_close

cb_input_close contains the name of the callback intended to handle the closed event emitted from the input handle.


default: on_input_stop

cb_input_stop contains the name of the callback intended to handle the stopped event emitted from the input handle.


default: on_output_error

cb_output_error contaouts the name of the callback outtended to handle the error event emitted from the output handle.


default: on_output_data

cb_output_data contaouts the name of the callback outtended to handle the data event emitted when writing data to the output handle.


default: input_error

ev_input_error contains the actual name of the event emitted from the input stream on error.


default: output_data

ev_output_data contains the actual name of the event emitted when writing data to the output stream.


default: output_error

ev_output_error contains the actual name of the event emitted from the output stream on error.


default: clear_input

method_clear_input contains the name of the clearer method on the input stream attribute.


default: clear_output

method_clear_output contains the name of the clearer method on the output stream attribute.


default: flush_handle

internal_flush_method contains the method name of the flush mechanism on the output stream. If a default Reflex::Stream is used, there shouldn't be a need to change this.



This role requires an attribute named "input" by default.


This role requires an attribute named "output" by default.


This role requires a method named "clear_input" by default that will clear the input attribute when called


This role requires a method named "clear_output" by default that will clear the output attribute when called



on_input_error merely re-emits error events from the input stream


on_output_error merely re-emits error events from the output stream


output_data is simple method that merely calls emit for the output_data event along with whatever arguments are provided


on_input_close handles the closed event from the input handle. It merely calls the stop() method of the input stream.


on_input_stop handles the stopped event from the input handle. It ignores further events from the input handle, clears the attribute then calls done_writing()


on_input_data handles the data event from the input handle. It calls output_data to emit the output_data event with the argument passed in.


on_output_data handles the data event emitted from the role. It calls put() on the output stream with the argument passed in.


done_writing is called when the input stream reaches EOF. It ensures that all remaining data is flushed on the output stream using the internal flush method of the output stream. Further events are then ignored from the output handle, and the output attribute is cleared. Finally, stopped() is called to emit the stopped event.



BUILD is advised to setup all of the appropriate watchers on the input and output streams, and also upon itself after other BUILD process have occurred.


_clean_up handles the stopped event from the role. It simply ignores further events from itself.



If there is an error event emitted from the input stream, it will be re-emitted without alteration. Errors are /not/ handled by this role.


If there is an error event emitted from the output stream, it will be re-emitted without alteration. Errors are /not/ handled by this role.


When data is processed by the input data callback, this event is emitted with the data gained.


This role doesn't provide the attributes that store the input and output handles, but instead provides configurable parameters so that you can add them and name them whatever you want.

To achieve the manual flush, encapsulation is broken on the output stream. This shouldn't be an issue so long as a Reflex::Stream is used. If you build your own Stream object using Reflex::Role::Streaming, fair warning is given that it had better use the defaults or else things might not go very smoothly.


Nicholas R. Perez <>


This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Nicholas R. Perez <>.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.