ada asm awk c changelog cpp elisp fortran haskell html idl java
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The directive has the following options:

``:file: <filename>`` Reads the code sample from a file rather than using the content block. ``:color:`` Specifies that "color" markup should be done. What this actually means is that the following interpreted-text roles are used for parts of the code markup:

=============== ================
comment         A comment in the language
function-name   A function name
variable-name   A variable name
keyword         A reserved keyword
reference-name  A reference name
string          A quoted string
builtin         Variable names built into language
type-name       Names associated with the language's type system
=============== ================

If any of these roles is undefined before processing the macro, a
null definition is entered for them.
``:level: <level>``
The level of markup.  ``<level>`` can be one of ``none``, ``light``,
or ``heavy`` (default ``heavy``).  Ignored if ``:color:`` is specified.
Number the lines of the code block.

This directive also uses the following command-line definition:

-D code-block-states-file=<file>    The file to be passed to the states
                                    program to specify how to do the
                                    formatting.  Searches the perl include
                                    path to find the file.  Default is
-D code-block-states-flags=<flags>  A set of flags to be passed to the
                                    states program to specify how to do the
                                    formatting.  Default is "".
=end Description
=end reST

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 13:

=pod directives shouldn't be over one line long! Ignoring all 10 lines of content