Data::HexDump::Range - Hexadecial Range Dumper


my $hdr = Data::HexDump::Range->new() ;

print $hdr->dump(['magic cookie', 12, 'red'], $data) ;

$hdr->gather(['magic cookie', 12, 'red'], $data) ; 
$hdr->gather(['image type', 2, 'green'], $other_data) ;
$hdr->gather(['image data ...', 100, 'yellow'], $more_data, 0, CONSUME_ALL_DATA) ;

print $hdr->dump_gathered() ;

$hdr->reset() ;


This is the first release . The API is unlikely to change but you never know. The documentation shows more what I want the module to do than what is implemented.

Still, this is module as well as the hdr script are functional enough to be useful.


Creates a dump from binary data and user defined range descriptions. The goal of this modules is to create an easy to understand dump of binary data. This achieved through:

  • Highlighted (colors) dump that is easier to understand than a monochrome blob of hex data

  • Multiple rendering modes with different output formats

  • The possibility to describe complex structures


This module was inspired by the hexd command from libma

Binary data is split according to user defined ranges and rendered as a hex or/and decimal data dump. The data dump can be rendered in ANSI, ASCII or HTML.


The examples below show the hypothetic ranges:

  my $data_range = # definition to re-use
	  ['data header', 5, 'blue on_cyan'],
	  ['data', 20, 'blue on_bright_yellow'],
	] ;

  my $structured_range = 
	    ['magic cookie', 12, 'red'],
	    ['padding', 32, 'yellow'],
	    ['extra data', 12, undef],
	      ['footer', 4, 'bright_yellow on_red'],
	] ;

Applied to the source code of this module.


In this orientation mode, each range displayed separately starting with the range name followed by the binary data dump.

magic cookie     00000000 00000000 0a 70 61 63 6b 61 67 65 20 44 61 74               .package Dat
padding          0000000c 00000000 61 3a 3a 48 65 78 44 75 6d 70 3a 3a 52 61 6e 67   a::HexDump::Rang
padding          0000001c 00000010 65 20 3b 0a 0a 75 73 65 20 73 74 72 69 63 74 3b   e ;..use strict;
data header      0000002c 00000000 0a 75 73 65 20                                    .use
data             00000031 00000000 77 61 72 6e 69 6e 67 73 20 3b 0a 75 73 65 20 43   warnings ;.use C
data             00000041 00000010 61 72 70 20                                       arp
extra data       00000045 00000000 3b 0a 0a 42 45 47 49 4e 20 0a 7b 0a               ;..BEGIN .{.
data header      00000051 00000000 0a 75 73 65 20                                    .use
data             00000056 00000000 53 75 62 3a 3a 45 78 70 6f 72 74 65 72 20 2d 73   Sub::Exporter -s
data             00000066 00000010 65 74 75 70                                       etup
footer           0000006a 00000000 20 3d 3e 20                                        =>


In this mode, the data are packed together in the dump

00000000 0a 70 61 63 6b 61 67 65 20 44 61 74 61 3a 3a 48   .package Data::H magic cookie, padding,
00000010 65 78 44 75 6d 70 3a 3a 52 61 6e 67 65 20 3b 0a   exDump::Range ;. padding,
00000020 0a 75 73 65 20 73 74 72 69 63 74 3b 0a 75 73 65   .use strict;.use padding, data header,
00000030 20 77 61 72 6e 69 6e 67 73 20 3b 0a 75 73 65 20    warnings ;.use  data header, data,
00000040 43 61 72 70 20 3b 0a 0a 42 45 47 49 4e 20 0a 7b   Carp ;..BEGIN .{ data, extra data,
00000050 0a 0a 75 73 65 20 53 75 62 3a 3a 45 78 70 6f 72   ..use Sub::Expor extra data, data header, data,
00000060 74 65 72 20 2d 73 65 74 75 70 20 3d 3e 20         ter -setup =>    data, footer,

Rendered fields

You can choose which fields are rendered by setting options when creating a Data::HexDump::Range object. The default rendering corresponds to the following object construction:

	COLOR => 'random',
	DISPLAY_ORIENTATION => 'horizontal',
	OFFSET_FORMAT => 'hex',
	DATA_WIDTH => 16,
	) ;

See new.

Range definition

my $simple_range = ['magic cookie', 12, 'red'] ;

Ranges are Array references containing three (3) elements:

  • name - a string

  • size - an integer

  • color - a string or undef

Any of the three first elements can be replaced by a subroutine reference. See "Dynamic range definition" below.


Ranges and ranges names are displayed according to the color field in the range definition.

The color definition is one of:

  • A user defined color name found in COLOR_NAMES (see new)

  • An ansi color definition - 'blue on_yellow'

  • A html color definition - eg todo: add example

  • An RGB color definition - eg: todo: add example

  • undef - will be repaced by a white color or a random color (see COLOR in new).

Linear ranges

For simple data formats, your can put all the your range descriptions in a array:

  my $image_ranges =
	  ['magic cookie', 12, 'red'],
	  ['size', 10, 'yellow'],
	  ['data', 10, 'blue on_yellow'],
	  ['timestamp', 5, 'green'],
	] ;

Structured Ranges

  my $data_range = # definition to re-use
	  ['data header', 5, 'blue on_yellow'],
	  ['data', 100, 'blue'],
	] ;
  my $structured_range = 
	    ['magic cookie', 12, 'red'],
	    ['padding', 88, 'yellow'],
	    ['extra data', 12, undef],
	      ['footer', 4, 'yellow on_red'],

Meta Ranges

Meta Ranges are defined by their sub ranges. They do not consume any data but describe their contants

Meta range names start witht the '<<' sequence.

  my $meta_range_defintion = 
	  '<< header and data meta range', 'color for meta range'
	    ['magic cookie', 12, 'red']
	    ['padding', 88, 'yellow']
	      '<< data', undef, # random color for the data meta range
	        ['data header', 5, 'blue on_yellow']
		['data', 100, 'blue']
	] ;

todo: add horizontal example

Keeping range definitions in external files

todo: add example

Dynamic range definition

The whole range can be replaced by a subroutine reference or elements of the range can be replaced by a subroutine definition.

  my $dynamic_range =
	  [\&name, \&size, \&color ],
	  \&define_range # returns a sub range definition
	] ;

'name' sub ref

sub cloth_size
my $data = shift ; #parsed data

my %types = (O => 'S', 1 => 'M', 2 => 'L',) ;

return 'size:' . ($types{$data} // '?') ;

$hdr->dump([\&cloth_size, 1, 'yellow'], $data) ;

'size' sub ref

sub cloth_size
my $data = shift ; #remaining data
return unpack "a", $data ;

$hdr->dump(['data', \&get_size, 'yellow'], $data) ;

'color' sub ref

  my $flip_flop = 1 ;
  my @colors = ('green', 'red') ;
  sub alternate_color {$flip_flop ^= 1 ; return $colors[$flip_flop] }
	  ['data', 100, \&alternate_color],
	  ['other_data', 100, \&alternate_color],
	) ;

whole range definition as a subroutine reference

This allows you to define a parser.

TODO: give an example

TODO: give an alternative solution using gather


- allow pack format as range size

- hook with Convert::Binary::C to automatically create ranges


Subroutines prefixed with [P] are not part of the public API and shall not be used directly.


Create a Data::HexDump::Range object.

  my $hdr = Data::HexDump::Range->new() ; # use default setup
  my $hdr = Data::HexDump::Range->new
		COLOR => 'bw' | 'random',
		OFFSET_FORMAT => 'hex' | 'dec',
		DATA_WIDTH => 16 | 20 | ... ,
		COLOR_NAMES => {},
		DISPLAY_ORIENTATION => 'horizontal',
		) ;

Arguments - A list of named arguments

All arguments are optional. Settings get a default value if not passed by user. Default values are listed below.

  • NAME - String - Name of the Data::HexDump::Range object, set to 'Anonymous' by default

  • INTERACTION - Hash reference - Set of subs that are used to display information to the user

    Useful if you use Data::HexDump::Range in an application without terminal.

  • VERBOSE - Boolean - Display information about the creation of the object. Default is false

  • FORMAT - String - format of the dump string generated by Data::HexDump::Range.

    Default is ANSI which allows for colors. Other formats are 'ASCII' and 'HTML'.

  • COLOR - String 'bw' or 'random'.

    Ranges for which no color has been defined, in 'ANSI' or 'HTML' format mode, will be rendered in black and white or with random colors according to this option. Default is 'bw'.

  • OFFSET_FORMAT - String - 'hex' or 'dec'

    if set to 'hex', the offset will be displayed in base 16. When set to 'dec' the offset is displayed in base 10. Default is 'hex'.

  • DATA_WIDTH - Integer - Number of elements displayed per line. Default is 16.

  • DISPLAY_RANGE_NAME - Boolean - If set, range names are displayed in the dump.

  • DISPLAY_OFFSET - Boolean - If set, the offset columnis displayed in the dump.

  • DISPLAY_CUMULATIVE_OFFSET - Boolean - If set, the cumulative offset column is displayed in 'vertical' rendering mode

  • DISPLAY_ASCII_DUMP - Boolean - If set, the ASCII representation of the binary data is displayed

  • DISPLAY_HEX_DUMP - Boolean - If set, the hexadecimal dump column is displayed

  • DISPLAY_DEC_DUMP - Boolean - If set, the decimall dump column is displayed

  • COLOR_NAMES - A hash reference

      ANSI =>
    	header => 'yellow on_blue',
    	data => 'yellow on_black',
      HTML =>
    	header => 'FFFF00 0000FF',
    	data => 'FFFF00 000000',
  • DISPLAY_ORIENTATION - String - 'vertical' or 'horizontal' (the default).

Returns - Nothing

Exceptions - Dies if an unsupported option is passed.

[P] Setup(...)

Helper sub called by new. This is a private sub.

[P] CheckOptionNames(...)

Verifies the named options passed to the members of this class. Calls {INTERACTION}{DIE} in case of error.

gather($range_description, $data, $offset, $size)

Dump the data, up to $size, according to the description. The data dump is kept in the object so you can merge multiple gathered dumps and get a single rendering.

$hdr->gather($range_description, $data, $offset, $size)
$hdr->gather($range_description, $more_data)

print $hdr->dump_gathered() ;


  • $range_description - See "Range definiton"

  • $data - A string - binary data to dump

  • $offset - dump data from offset

    • undef - start from first byte

  • $size - amount of data to dump

    • undef - use range description

    • CONSUME_ALL_DATA - apply range descritption till all data is consumed

    Returns - An integer - the number of processed bytes

    Exceptions - See _gather


Returns the dump string for the gathered data.

$hdr->gather($range_description, $data, $size)
$hdr->gather($range_description, $data, $size)

print $hdr->dump_gathered() ;

Arguments - None

Returns - A string - the binary data formated according to the rnage descriptions

Exceptions - None

dump($range_description, $data, $offset, $size)

Dump the data, up to $size, according to the description

Arguments - See gather

Returns -

  • Scalar context

    • A string - the formated dump

  • List context

    • A string - the formated dump

    • An integer - the number of bytes consumed by the range specification

Exceptions - dies if the range description is invalid

get_dump_and_consumed_data_size($range_description, $data, $offset, $size)

Dump the data, from $offset up to $size, according to the $range_description

Arguments - See gather

Returns -

  • A string - the formated dump

  • An integer - the number of bytes consumed by the range specification

Exceptions - dies if the range description is invalid


Clear the gathered dump

Arguments - None

Returns - Nothing

Exceptions - None

[P] _gather($range_description, $data, $size)

Creates an internal data structure from the data to dump.

$hdr->_gather($container, $range_description, $data, $size)

Arguments - See gather

  • $container - an array reference or undef - where the gathered data

  • $range_description - See gather

  • $data - See gather

  • $offset - See gather

  • $size - See gather

Returns -

  • $container - the gathered data

  • $used_data - integer - the location in the data where the dumping ended

Exceptions dies if passed invalid parameters

[P] create_ranges($range_description)

transforms the user supplied ranges into an internal format

Arguments -

  • $range_description - See gather

Returns - Nothing

Exceptions - Croaks with an error messge if the input data is invalid

[P] flatten($range_description)

transforms the user supplied ranges into an internal format

Arguments -

  • $range_description - See gather

Returns - Nothing

Exceptions - Croaks with an error messge if the input data is invalid

[P] split($collected_data)

Split the collected data into lines

Arguments -

  • $container - Collected data

Returns - Nothing


[P] format($line_data)

Transform the line data into ANSI, ASCII or HTML

Arguments -

Returns - A dump in ANSI, ASCII or HTML.


None so far.


Nadim ibn hamouda el Khemir


Copyright 2010 Nadim Khemir.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either:

  • the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version, or

  • the Artistic License version 2.0.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Data::HexDump::Range

You can also look for information at:



1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 652:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'