Changes for version 0.04 - 2005-06-17
- This is more of a fine-tuning version, just to guarantee that some specific situations will work as expected.
- First CPAN upload after giving up waiting an answer from the folks at the official module-list.
- Some simple test cases added.
- Now, parallelyzed subs keep their prototypes. This didn't happen before, so you couldn't parallelyze LWP::Simple's get() without a warning. It would DWYM, though, but it seemed wrong. So this is fixed but introduced the dependency of Scalar::Util (which would end up being included anyway, as there's a lot of magic going on here).
- CORE::GLOBAL::ref() is now overriden in order to make it DWYM with returned objects (previously, it would returns 'subs::parallel').
enables subroutines to seamlessly run in parallel