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WebService::MyGengo::Job - A translation Job in the myGengo system.


my $job = WebService::MyGengo::Job->new( { lc_src => 'en', lc_tgt => 'ja'... } );

my $client = WebService::MyGengo::Client->new( $params );
$job = $client->get_job( 123 );


See for more information, as well as the various tests in t/*.t.

job_id|id (Int)

A unique identifier for the Job.

group_id (Int)

A unique identifier for a group of Jobs.

See WebService::MyGengo::Client's `submit_jobs` method.

slug (Str)

Undocumented. Appears to act as a 'title' for the Job.

body_src (Str)

The text to be translated in UTF-8 encoding.

body_tgt (Str)

The translation result text in UTF-8 encoding.

If the Job has not been completed, this will be en empty string.

lc_src (Str)

2-character ISO code for the source language.

lc_tgt (Str)

2-character ISO code for the target language.

custom_data (Str)

Up to 1024 bytes of arbitrary text describing the Job in UTF-8 encoding.

unit_count (Int)

The number of units (words or characters) in the body_src.

tier (Str)

The tier under which this Job is being translated: machine, standard, pro, ultra, ultra_pro

credits (Num)

A decimal figure representing how many credits this Job will cost.

status (Str)

The Job's status: unpaid, available, pending, reviewable, revising, approved, rejected, cancelled, held

eta (DateTime::Duration)

A DateTime::Duration object representing an estimate of when the Job will be completed.

Usually used as `$job->eta->seconds`.

ctime (DateTime)

A DateTime representing the Job's creation date and time.

force (Bool)

Whether to force a Job to be translated, even if a Job with the same body_src already exists.

use_preferred (Bool)

Whether to only allow a "preferred translator" to work this Job.

auto_approve (Bool)

Whether to automatically approve this Job once the translation is completed.

mt (Bool)

Whether the body_tgt was translated via machine translation.

callback_url (Str)

A URL to which events related to this Job should be posted.

captcha_url (Str)

A URL pointing to a captcha image.

This will be set on Jobs in 'reviewable' status and must be submitted when rejecting a Job.

See WebService::MyGengo::Client's `reject_job` method.

preview_url (Str)

A URL pointing to a graphical representation of the translated text.

comment (WebService::MyGengo::Comment|Undef)

This is only here to support the 'comment' option for the constructor.

Returns the most recently-added comment.

comments (Array)

A list of WebService::MyGengo::Comment objects for this Job.


fetched_comments - Returns true if comments have been fetched from the API
has_comments - Returns the number of comments in the list
comment_count - Returns the number of comments in the list
get_comment($id) - Returns a specific comment by list index

revisions (Array)

A list of WebService::MyGengo::Revision objects for this Job.


fetched_revisions - Returns true if revisions have been fetched from the API
has_revisions - Returns the number of revisions in the list
revision_count - Returns the number of revisions in the list
get_revision($id) - Returns a specific revision by list index

feedback (WebService::MyGengo::Feedback|Undef)

A WebService::MyGengo::Feedback object for this Job.


fetched_feedback - Returns true if feedback has been fetched from the API
has_feedback - Returns true if feedback is defined



Returns true if the Job is of the given status, false otherwise

around to_hash

HACKS: The eta value (a DateTime::Duration) does not stringify to a meaningful value, so we convert it to seconds here.

We also remove the feedback entry.

See: WebService::MyGengo::Base


* We really need to make a decision in the immutability of this object.
Is it just pedantic to try and attempt it? We could save time using
mutability. This could affect caching, though.



Nathaniel Heinrichs


Copyright (c) 2011, Nathaniel Heinrichs <>. All rights reserved.

This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.