WebService::Buxfer - Interact with the Buxfer webservice


use strict;
use warnings;
use WebService::Buxfer;

my $bux = WebService::Buxfer->new(
        userid => 'nheinrichs',                 # Required
        password => 'my password',              # Required

        preload_accounts => 1,                  # Default
        inject_account_name => 1,               # Default
        debug => 0,                             # Default
        url => '',    # Default

my $results = $bux->transactions;
print "Transaction: ".Dumper($_)."\n" for (@$results);

my $new_transactions = [
    'coffee 5.45 tags:drinks,coffee',       # Raw, Buxfer SMS format
    'Pay check +6952.32 status:pending',    # Raw, Buxfer SMS format
    {                                       # As a hashref
        description => 'Thai food with friends',
        amount => -3000,
        payer => 'me',
        tags => ['sustenance, 'thai food'],
        account => 'cash',
        date => '2009-01-03',
        status => 'default',
        participants => [ [andy, 1000], elena ],

my @responses = $bux->add_transactions($new_transactions);
print "Response: ".($_->buxfer_status)."\n" for (@responses);


Buxfer is an online personal finance site:

WebService::Buxfer provides access to the Buxfer webservices API.


  • preload_accounts - Whether to prefetch account details on login

  • inject_account_name - Whether to automatically inject an 'accountName' field into results that contain an internal Buxfer 'accountId' field.

  • debug - Enable debug output

  • url - The URL of the Buxfer API server. You probably don't need to change this.

  • _response - The WebService::Buxfer::Response object from the last call

  • _token - The value of the authentication token received from Buxfer


new( \%options )

Build a new WebService::Buxfer instance.

GET methods

transactions(\%params), analysis(\%params)

Retrieve transactions (25 at a time.)

Results can be restricted using the following parameters (see Buxfer API documentation for details):

  • accountId OR accountName

  • tagId OR tagName

  • startDate AND endDate OR month: date can be specified as "10 feb 2008", or "2008-02-10". month can be specified as "feb08", "feb 08", or "feb 2008".

  • budgetId OR budgetName

  • contactId OR contactName

  • groupId OR groupName

  • page - the page of results you want to see (transactions only)

NOTE: On any given day the format of the 'date' field in the transactions seems to change (sometimes I get '3 Jan' and sometimes '3 Jan 08'.)

This package makes no attempt to format or inflate dates or any other information returned from the API.


Get Analysis graph URLs and rawData.

Takes the same parameters as transactions.

Returns a hashref of Analysis information.


Retrieve Buxfer accounts.

In array context returns an array of hashrefs containing account details.

In scalar context returns a hashref of account details keyed on the internal Buxfer accountId.

i.e., { $accountId => { name => 'cash', ... }, ... }

impacts, tags, budgets, groups, contacts

Calls the given Buxfer API. See Buxfer docs for details.

In array context returns an array of results.

In scalar context returns a reference to the array of results.

POST methods

add_transactions(\@transactions, \%params)

Accepts an array of transactions in raw format or as hashrefs and submits them to Buxfer using the add_transaction API call.

Because the Buxfer API allows for submission of multiple transactions in a single API call, this method will combine transactions into batches based on the max_transactions_per_submit parameter prior to submission.

WebService::Buxfer will also wrap tags containing spaces in single quotes. HOWEVER, the quotes themselves will also end up as part of the tag.

This is the fault of Buxfer's parser: if the single quotes are omitted, the system will fail to parse/import the transaction properly.


  • max_transactions_per_submit - I was able to submit 1000 transactions in a single call, so that is the default.

  • format - Currently only 'sms' is supported

In array context returns an array of responses.

In scalar context returns a reference to the responses array.



Move some of the logic out of here and into WebService::Buxfer::Response.

Add a pager for flipping through transactions based on 25 results per page and numTransactions in the response.

Automatically in/deflate DateTime objects


Portions of this package borrowed/adapted from the WebService::Solr code.

Thanks to Brian Cassidy and Kirk Beers for that package.


Nathaniel Heinrichs <>


Copyright (c) 2009 Nathaniel Heinrichs.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.