Changes for version 0.20 - 2001-06-17

  • Made eval_python return results of running code
  • py_bind_class(), py_bind_function(), and py_study_package()
  • py_eval() and py_call_function()
  • py_new_object() and py_call_method()
  • Many new test cases
  • Updated documentation
  • New language alias 'PYTHON' for Inline::Files support
  • 'FILTERS' Config option
  • Removed 'PRIVATE_PRIFIXES' Config option
  • Added new base class Inline::Python::Object for all objects.

Changes for version 0.20 - 2001-06-20

  • Lots of testing with different versions of Perl & Python
  • Makefile.PL auto-detects configuration for python >= 2.0

Changes for version 0.20 - 2001-07-09

  • Made the Makefile.PL more clever about how it picks debugging information. It accepts an optional argument, too, so it's easy to correct the mistakes.


Write Perl subs and classes in Python.

