Changes for version 0.41
- Bowing to peer pressure and adding in the Test::Pod stuff in production, this means adding a prereq of Test::More
- Updated Data::Serializer::Cookbook
- Added an examples/ dir to the distribution
- put a copy of the Cookbook in the examples dir via pod2text as README
- Would be happy to add user submitted examples (send to
Modules that serialize data structures
Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and Config::General
Examples of how to use Data::Serializer
Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and Data::Denter
Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and Data::Dumper
Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and Data::Taxi
Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and FreezeThaw
Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and JSON
Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and JSON::Syck
Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and PHP::Serialization
Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and Storable
Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and XML::Dumper
Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and XML::Simple
Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and YAML
Creates bridge between Data::Serializer and YAML::Syck