Changes for version 0.009 - 2012-10-16
- Add an ease of use method for date comparing: dateDiff()
- Plugins using friendlyURL table fields in thier schema are now added to the friendly URL look up query automatically
- Required table to be present before altering tables when doing DBUpdate()
- Corrected an issue with postText for truncateContent()
- Added numberTime to dateTime function as a possible input format
- setCacheIndex() will now only save to the site if the index has changed
- formatDate() is now the new name for dateTime(), the latter is still present as a legacy subroutine
- HTTPRequest() can now be passed what agent it is using
- Added 'force install' option to the plugin installer
- Added safeXML() method to
- Added shortDate to dateTime() MMM DD YYYY (where MMM is the three letter acrynomn of the month in caps)
- _deleteOrphanedData utility now can be passed a unique DBH
- Made connectDBH() capable of being used outside the context of the FWS for other functions by passing a hash of its requirements
- Other minor formatting and documentation updates
Framework Sites version 2
Framework Sites version 2 validation and checking methods
Framework Sites version 2 data management
Framework Sites version 2 text and image file methods
Framework Sites version 2 text and html formatting
Framework Sites version 2 compatibility and legacy methods and translations
Framework Sites version 2 network access methods
Framework Sites version 2 safe data wrappers
Framework Sites version 2 session related methods