NAME pulation FWS::V2::Database - Framework Sites version 2 data management
Version 0.002
use FWS::V2;
# Create FWS with MySQL connectivity
my $fws = FWS::V2->new( DBName => "theDBName",
DBUser => "myUser",
DBPassword => "myPass");
# create FWS with SQLite connectivity
my $fws2 = FWS::V2->new( DBType => "SQLite",
DBName => "/home/user/your.db");
Framework Sites version 2 common methods that connect, read, write, reorder or alter the database itself.
In FWS database tables there is a field named extra_value. This field holds a hash that is to be appended to the return hash of the record it belongs to.
# If we have an extra_value field and a real hash lets combine them together
%dataHash = $fws->addExtraHash($extra_value,%dataHash);
Note: If anything but stored extra_value strings are passed, the method will throw an error
It is not recommended you would use the alterTable method outside of its intended core database creation and maintenance routines but is here for completeness. Some of the internal table definitions alter data based on its context and will be unpredictable. For work with table structures not directly tied to the FWS 2 core schema, use FWS::Lite in a non web rendered script.
# retrieve a reference to an array of data we asked for
# Note: It is not recommended to change the data structure of
# FWS default tables
print $fws->alterTable( table =>"table_name", # case sensitive table name
field =>"field_name", # case sensitive field name
type =>"char(255)", # Any standard cross platform type
default =>""); # '0000-00-00', 1, 'this default value'...
Do the initial database connection via MySQL or SQLite. This method will return back the DBH it creates, but it is only here for completeness and would normally never be used. For FWS database routines this is not required as it will be implied when executing those methods.
Retrieve a hash array based on any combination of keywords, type, guid, or tags
my @dataArray = $fws->dataArray(guid=>$someParentGUID);
for my $i (0 .. $#dataArray) {
$valueHash{'html'} .= $dataArray[$i]{'name'}."<br/>";
Any combination of the following parameters will restrict the results. At least one is required.
guid: Retrieve any element whose parent element is the guid
keywords: A space delimited list of keywords to search for
tags: A comma delimited list of element tags to search for
type: Match any element which this exact type
containerId: Pull the data from the data container
childGUID: Retrieve any element whose child element is the guid (This option can not be used with keywords attribute)
showAll: Show active and inactive records. By default only active records will show
Note: guid and containerId cannot be used at the same time, as they both specify the parent your pulling the array from
Retrieve a hash or hash reference for a data matching the passed guid. This can only be used after setSiteValues() because it required $fws->{'siteGUID'} to be defined.
# get the hash itself
my %dataHash = $fws->dataHash(guid=>'someguidsomeguidsomeguid');
# get a reference to the hash
my $dataHashRef = $fws->dataHash(guid=>'someguidsomeguidsomeguid',ref=>1);
Delete something from the data table. %dataHash must contain guid and either containerId or parent. By passing noOrphanDelete with a value of 1, any data ophaned from the act of this delete will also be deleted.
my %dataHash;
$dataHash{'noOrphanDelete'} = '0';
$dataHash{'guid'} = 'someguid123123123';
$dataHash{'parent'} = 'someparentguid';
my %dataHash $fws->deleteData(%dataHash);
Retrieve the GUID for the fws site. If it does not yet exist, make a new one.
print $fws->fwsGUID();
Get the site GUID for a site by passing the SID of that site. If the SID does not exist it will return an empty string.
print $fws->getSiteGUID('somesite');
Get the GUID for a site by passing a guid of an item on a page. If the guid is referenced in more than one place, the page it will be passed could be random.
my $pageGUID = $fws->getPageGUID($valueHash{'elementId'},10);
Note: This procedure is very database extensive and should be used lightly. The default depth to look before giving up is 5, the example above shows searching for 10 depth before giving up.
Return an reference to an array that contains the results of the SQL ran.
# retrieve a reference to an array of data we asked for
my $dataArray = $fws->runSQL(SQL=>"select id,type from id_and_type_table"); # Any SQL statement or query
# loop though the array
while (@$dataArray) {
# collect the data each row at a time
my $id = shift(@$dataArray);
my $type = shift(@$dataArray);
# display or do something with the data
print "ID: ".$id." - ".$type."\n";
Update or create a new data record. If guid is not provided then a new record will be created. If you pass "newGUID" as a parameter for a new record, the new guid will not be auto generated, newGUID will be used.
%dataHash = $fws->saveData(%dataHash);
Required hash keys if the data is new:
parent: This is the reference to where the data belongs
name: This is the reference id for the record
type: A valid element type
Not required hash keys:
$active: 0 or 1. Default is 0 if not specified
newGUID: If this is a new record, use this guid (Note: There is no internal checking to make sure this is unique)
lang: Two letter language definition. (Not needed for most multi-lingual sites, only if the code has a requirement that it is splitting language based on other criteria in the control)
... Any other extended data fields you want to save with the data element
Example of adding a data record
my %paramHash;
$paramHash{'parent'} = $fws->formValue('guid');
$paramHash{'active'} = 1;
$paramHash{'name'} = $fws->formValue('name');
$paramHash{'title'} = $fws->formValue('title');
$paramHash{'type'} = 'site_myElement';
$paramHash{'color'} = 'red';
%paramHash = $fws->saveData(%paramHash);
Example of adding the same data record to a "data container"
my %paramHash;
$paramHash{'containerId'} = 'thisReference';
$paramHash{'active'} = 1;
$paramHash{'name'} = $fws->formValue('name');
$paramHash{'type'} = 'site_thisType';
$paramHash{'title'} = $fws->formValue('title');
$paramHash{'color'} = 'red';
%paramHash = $fws->saveData(%paramHash);
Note: If the containerId does not match or exist, then one will be created in the root of your site, and the data will be added to the new one.
Example of updating a data record:
$guid = 'someGUIDaaaaabbbbccccc';
# get the original hash
my %dataHash = $fws->dataHash(guid=>$guid);
# make some changes
$dataHash{'name'} = "New Reference Name";
$dataHash{'color'} = "blue";
# Give the altered hash to the update procedure
Save data that is part of the extra hash for a FWS table.
$self->saveExtra( table =>'table_name',
siteGUID =>'site_guid_not_required',
guid =>'some_guid',
field =>'table_field','the value we are setting it to');
Return the schema hash for an element. You can pass either the guid or the element type.
my %dataSchema = $fws->schemaHash('someGUIDorType');
Set a sites cache index for its site. you can bas a siteGUID as a hash parameter if you wish to update the index for a site not currently being rendered.
Return a multi-dimensional hash of all the fields in a table with its properties. This usually isn't used by anything but internal table alteration methods, but it could be useful if you are making conditionals to determine the data structure before adding or changing data. The method is CPU intensive so it should only be used when performance is not a requirement.
$tableFieldHashRef = $fws->tableFieldHash('the_table');
The return dump will have the following structure:
If the field is indexed it will return a unique table field combination key equal to MUL or FULLTEXT:
Update the cache version of the data record. This is called automatically when saveData is called.
Alter the database to match the schema for FWS 2. The return will print the SQL statements used to adjust the tables.
print $fws->updateDatabase()."\n";
This method is automatically called when on the web optimized version of FWS when rendering the 'System' screen.
Update the modified date of the page a dataHash element resides on.
Note: By updating anything that is persistant against multiple pages all pages will have thier date updated as it is considered a site wide change.
Nate Lewis, <nlewis at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-fws-v2 at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc FWS::V2::Database
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Copyright 2012 Nate Lewis.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.