cover_report - Advanced coverage reports based on Devel::Cover (cover_db) databases.


cover_report [options]


-h --help      Display short usage description.
-V --version   Display version information.

-v --verbose   Be extra verbose. (default: off)
-q --quiet     Be extra quiet.   (default: off)
-s --summary   Display summary.  (default: auto)

-j --jobs N    Run N test jobs in parallel (try 4) (default: off)

-d --cover_db  dir        Location of the database directory.      (default: cover_db)
-f --formatter formatter  What format to use, when saving reports. (default: Html)
-o --output    dir        Output directory.                        (default: cover_db)
-c --criterion criterion  Include criterion in the report.         (default: include all)
-r --report    report     Include report of given type.            (default: include all)

   Excluded files will not appear in the report (default: none)

--exclude     glob Exclude file(s) in the report
--exclude_dir dir  Exclude files under the directory
--exclude_re  RE   Exclude files matching regexp

   Included files will appear in report (default: all user modules)

--include     glob Include file(s) in the report
--include_dir dir  Include files under the directory
--include_re  RE   Include files matching regexp

   Mentioned files will appear, but will not affect stats (default: system modules)

--mention     glob Mention file in the report
--mention_dir dir  Mention files under the directory
--mention_re  RE   Mention files matching regexp

Formatter should be one from the list bellow:
  Html   HTML with CSS
  YAML   YAML data dumps

Criterion can be one, or more, from the list bellow:
  statement      statement coverage
  branch         branch coverage
  condition      condition coverage
  path           path coverage
  subroutine     subroutine coverage
  pod            pod coverage
  time           time spent

Report can be one, or more, from the list bellow:
  summary        coverage summary.
  index          index of covered files.
  coverage       coverage information, per each covered file.
  runs           coverage summary, per each file/run combination.
  run-details    coverage details, per each file/run combination.
  all            default setting - include all.


You may want to decide, how each covered file should be treated.

Unless specified, no file is excluded, all files from Perl's include directories are mentioned, and the rest is included.


Files classified as 'Exclude' will be ignored, as if they never existed.

This is the first check, so file WILL be excluded, even if it could be Mentioned or Selected.


Files classified as 'Mention' will be included in the report, in separate list, and will not be taken into account when making statistical summaries.

This feature allows the developer to see what external modules - and which parts of them - his code uses. Since their (most probably incomplete) coverage is usually not important, they will not make the overall test coverage seem lower, then it actually is.

This is the second test, so the file will be Mentioned, even if could be Selected, as long, as it is not Excluded.


Files classified as 'Include' will be included in the report, and information about them will be used while making overall statistics.

This is the third check, so file - if matched - will be Selected, unless it was either Excluded or Mentioned.


Per-directory coverage summary

Average coverage, maesured per directory (with sub-directories). Since Perl packages rely on directory structure, this could provide useful in bigger projects.

Sub-summaries include module, that has the same package name as the directory. Some example may describe this better: /Foo/ /Foo/ / /Foo <-- summary, contains /Foo/*.pm and / /Bzz/Brr/ / /Bzz <-- summary, contains /Bzz/Brr/ and / In the above example, there is not summary for /Bzz/Bzz, as it contains just one file, thus it would not introduce any new infromation, and just double some figures.


File by test cross summary

Displays table with tests/scripts/sources as columns, and modules as rows. Intersections show how much ocverage a module receives from the source.

Shortening path

When all file paths start with the same prefix, such prefix could be removed to increase redability.

--basedir_strip       Enable file path shortening
--nobasedir_strip     Enable file path shortening
--basedir         dir Set directory, that should be stripped from file paths



This is not always a strict requirement. Since Devel::CoverReport is primary a reporting tool, You probably need some way of creating the coverage database in the first place.

An example use-case, where You will NOT need having Devel::Cover along, is if You just want to make report from database, that was generated on another maching/by someone else.


Condition handling is broken - it will probably work on summaries, but is ultimtely broken on detail pages. Will fix that in next release.


Paralell runs

I have observed many times, that when running many tests at once can corrupt Devel::Cover database and thus produce false statistics.

Running with prove -j 1 ... (default) should be a safe bet.

Devel::Cover and Devel::CoverReport reports

It seems, that running 'cover' removes contents of cover_db/runs directory. Due to this issue, Devel::CoverReport has to be used before running 'cover'.


Bartłomiej Syguła <>


This module was inspired by work of:

Paul Johnson (Devel::Cover)

Johan Lindström (Devel::CoverX::Covered)


Copyright 2009-2010, Bartłomiej Syguła

This is free software. It is licensed, and can be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.

This script was inspired by Devel::Cover by Paul Johnson.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 188:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Bartłomiej'. Assuming UTF-8