Apache::PhotoIndex - Perl extension for creating a Photo Gallery with mod_perl creating everything on the fly
AddType text/photo .photo SetHandler perl-script PerlModule Apache::PhotoIndex PerlHandler Apache::PhotoIndex
PerlModule Apache::Icon PerlModule Imager
This was written so that i could just upload my JPG's and the web server would do all of the work for me. putting different template files in different directories to make different looks per directory if you want
In your apache conf or .htaccess file put what is in the synopsys Make sure that you have Imager installed, this can be instelled from cpan or found at
The displayed pages are done by using templates that you may create your own template or use the default. There are two different typs of templages and two ways to create your own template:
Type 1. Index Template: This is the page displayed with the thumbnails on it
a. if you create a file named .indextemplate in the directory with
the images PhotoIndex will use this file
b. in your .htaccess or apache conf file place
PerlSetVar IndexTemplate '/var/photoindextemplate/mytemplate.html'
Variables: In this page you can use the following variables for replacement
a. %%title%%
this is the defined title for the gallery, default is Photo Album
b. %%directories%%
this is a listing of all subdirectories off of this directory
c. %%imagetable%%
this is the table that contains all of the thumbnails
d. %%others%%
this is a listing of links to the other files in this directory that
are not images
Type 2. Individual Template: This is the page displayed with one jpg on it and back and next thumbnails
a. if you create a file named .individualtemplate in the directory with
the images PhotoIndex will use this file
b. in your .htaccess or apache conf file place
PerlSetVar IndividualTemplate '/var/photoindextemplate/myindividualtemplate.html'
Variables: In this page you can use the following variables for replacement
a. %%back%%
this is the thumbnail and link going back one image
b. %%next%%
this is the thumbnail and link going forward one image
c. %%image%%
this is the big jpg with the description
Editing Descriptions: while looking at an index of images add ?edit_photos onto the end of the query string. BEWARE in this version i did not build it in to protect that so anyone could edit your photos unless you put it in to block it. The next version will have a protection for this
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
AUTHOR (myneid)
perl(1), Imager.