AIX::LVM - Perl extension to handle AIX LVM Structure.
use AIX::LVM;
my $lvm = AIX::LVM->new;
my @volume_group = $lvm->get_logical_volume_group(); #List all the Volume groups present.
my @pvs = $lvm->get_physical_volumes(); #List all the Physical volumes present.
my @lvs = $lvm->get_logical_volumes(); #List all the Physical volumes present.
#%vg_props consist of all the volume group properties in key=>value format.
my %vg_props = $lvm->get_volume_group_properties("rootvg");
#%lv_props consist of all the properties for logical volume "x" under volume group "rootvg";
my %lv_props = $lvm->get_logical_volume_properties("rootvg","x");
my $lslv_l_cmd = $lvm->get_LV_logical_command("rootvg","x") #Equivalent to lslv -l x
my $lslv_m_cmd = $lvm->get_LV_M_command("rootvg","x") #Equivalent to lslv -m x
This Module is a Perl wrapper for AIX LVM and provides access to the properties of Volume groups, Logial Volumes, Physical Volumes, Physical Partitions. This provides access to LVM command equivalents.
- get_logical_volume_group();
Returns an array of volume groups present.
- get_physical_volumes();
Returns an array of Physical volumes present.
- get_logical_volumes();
Returns an array of Logical volumes present.
- get_volume_group_properties("rootvg")
Returns a hash of properties for volume group "rootvg"
- get_logical_volume_properties("rootvg","hd5")
Returns a hash of properties for logical volume "hd5" present under volume group "rootvg"
- get_physical_volume_properties("rootvg","hdisk0")
Returns a hash of properties for physical volume "hdisk0" present under volume group "rootvg"
- get_LV_logical_command("rootvg","hd5")
Returns output as scalar for command equivalent of lslv -l hd5
- get_LV_ M_command("rootvg","hd5")
Returns output as scalar for command equivalent of lslv -m hd5
- get_PV_PP_command("rootvg","hdisk0")
Returns output as scalar for command equivalent of lspv -p hd5
- get_PV_LV_command("rootvg","hdisk0")
Returns output as scalar for command equivalent of lspv -l hd5
Needed to be executed as root user.
VG IDENTIFIER property for physical volume doesn't have proper format i.e Missing : at the end. This may differ for different versions of AIX.
Murugesan Kandasamy <>
Copyright (C) 2010 by Murugesan Kandasamy
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.6.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 431:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'