Winamp::Control - control winamp (over the network)


use Winamp::Control;

use IO::Extended qw(printfln);

	my $winamp = Winamp::Control->new( host => $opts{host}, port => $opts{port} );

	if( my $ver = $winamp->getversion )
		printfln 'Connected to Winamp (Ver: %s)', $ver;

		printfln 'Currently playing: %s ', $winamp->getcurrenttitle() if $winamp->isplaying();

		println "Current playlist:\n\t", join "\n\t", $winamp->getplaylisttitle();


Winamp::Control is a perl module for controlling Winamp ( over the network or locally. It requires the httpQ winamp-plugin written by Kosta Arvanitis (see prerequisites) installed on the computer playing the music (It is called "server" and will receive the commands). Perl clients doesn't need it, because the clients are communicating via http (and they are not restricted to any operating-system).

METHODS (modified after the httpQ documentation)

prev, play, pause, stop, next

action: Like clicking on it.
argument: none.
return: 1 on success, 0 otherwise.

example: $winamp-><command>


action: Get the current version of your winamp player.
argument: none.
return: Version of winamp, or 0 on error.

example: $winamp->getversion


action: Clears the contents of the play list.
argument: none.
return: 1 on success, 0 otherwise.

example: $winamp->delete


action: Get the playing status of winamp player.
argument: none.
return: 1 = playing, 0 = not playing, 3 = paused

example: $winamp->isplaying


action: Returns the position in milliseconds of the current song, or the song length, in seconds.
argument: 0 Position (in ms) of current song, 1 Length (in sec) of current song
return: -1 if not playing, 0 on error.

example: $winamp->getoutputtime( a => 1 );

jumptotime (requires Winamp 1.60+)

action: Sets the position in milliseconds of the current song (approximately) to 'argument'.
argument: Position in milliseconds to jump to.
return: 1 on success,0 otherwise

example: $winamp->jumptotime( a => 1000 ); #jump to 1 second

setplaylistpos (requires Winamp 2.0+)

action: Sets the playlsit position to 'argument'.
argument: Position to set play list to.
return: 1 on success,0 otherwise

example: $winamp->setplaylistpos( a => 1 ); #set play list to position 1

getlistlength (requires Winamp 2.0+)

action: get the length of the current playlist, in tracks.
argument: none.
return: The current track number or 0 on error.

example: $winamp->getlistlength

getplaylisttitle (requires Winamp 2.04+)

  action: returns the title of the playlist entry at index 'argument'.
  note: if no argument is specified, returns a list of all the titles in the playlist seperated by '<br>'.
  argument: index in the list from which to retrieve title.
  note: the list is zero indexed so track 1 is 0.
  return: Title of track or 0 on error.


  	$winamp->getplaylisttitle( a => 1 ); #get title at list index 1


	$winamp->getplaylisttitle; #get a list of titles

getplaylistfile (requires Winamp 2.04+)

  action: Returns the file name of the playlist entry at index 'argument'.
  note: If no argument is specified, returns a list of all the file names in the playlist seperated by '<br>'.
  argument: Index in the list from which to retrieve title.
  note: The list is zero indexed so track 1 is 0.
  return: Filename of track or 0 on error.


  	$winamp->getplaylistfile( a => 1 ); #get file name at list index 1


	$winamp->getplaylistfile; #get a list of file names

getlistpos (requires Winamp 2.05+)

action: Gets the current index of the play list.
note: The list is zero indexed so track 1 is 0.
argument: none.
return: List position or 0 on error.

example: $winamp->getlistpos;


action: Change the working direcotry to argument.
argument: The path to the new current working directory.
return: 1 on success, 0 otherwise.

example: $winamp->chdir( a => 'c:\mp3' );


  action: Appends a file to the playlist.The file must be in the current working directory or
          pass in the directory with the filename as the argument.
  argument: The file name to append to the playlist.
  return: 1 on success, 0 otherwise.


  	$winamp->playfile( a => 'music.mp3' );

	$winamp->playfile( a => 'c:\mp3\music.mp3' );

getinfo (requires Winamp 2.05+)

action: Gets info about the current playing song. The value it returns depends on the value of 'argument'.
argument: 0 Samplerate (i.e. 44100), 1 Bitrate (i.e. 128), 2 Channels (i.e. 2)

return: Info or 0 on error.

example: $winamp->getinfo( a => 0 );


action: Fades out current song and stops playing.
argument: none.
return: 0 on error, 1 otherwise

example: $winamp->fadeoutandstop;


action: Toggle shuffle on and off.
argument: 0 Turn shuffle off, 1 Turn shuffle on
return: 1 if shuffle is on, 0 otherwise

example: $winamp->shuffle( a => 0 );


action: Gets the status of shuffle button.
argument: none.
return: 1 if shuffle is on, 0 otherwise.

example: $winamp->shuffle_status;


action: Toggle repeat on and off.
argument: 0 Turn shuffle off, 1 Turn shuffle on
return: 1 if repeat is on, 0 otherwise.

example: $winamp->repeat( a => 0 );


action: Gets the status of the repeat button.
argument: none.
return: 1 if repeat is on, 0 otherwise

example: $winamp->repeat_status;


action: Turns up the volume.
argument: none.
return: 1 on success, 0 otherwise

example: $winamp->volumeup;


action: Turns down the volume.
argument: none.
return: 1 on success, 0 otherwise

example: $winamp->volumedown;


action: Set the volume level.
argument: 0-255 The volume level.
return: 1 on success, 0 otherwise

example: $winamp->setvolume( a => 100 );


  action: Gets the eq data.
  		0-9 10 bands of EQ data
		10 Preamp value
		11 Equalizer enabled
		12 Equalizer autoload
  		0-9 0-63 (+20db - -20db)
		10 0-63 (+20db - -20db)
		11 Zero if disabled, nonzero if enabled.
		12 Zero if disabled, nonzero if enabled.

  example: $winamp->geteqdata( a => 8 );


  action: Sets the eq data at 'x' to 'y'.
  note: the argument format is ( a => 'x,y' )
		x is the band.
		y is the value.

  argument: 0-9,0-63 10 bands of EQ data (0-63)
		10,0-63 Preamp value (0-63)
		11,0-1 Equalizer enabled (0-1)
		12,0-1 Equalizer autoload (0-1)

  return: 1 on success,0 otherwise

  example: $winamp->seteqdata( a => '8,10' );


  action: Gets the ID3 tag info of a file.
  argument: none Gets info for current playing file, or <n> gets the info for the file indexed at 'n'.
  return: 0 on error, otherwise returns contents of ID3 tag formated:


  example: $winamp->getid3tag( a => 3 );

getid3tag_album, getid3tag_artist, getid3tag_comment, getid3tag_genre, getid3tag_songname, getid3tag_year

action: Gets a specific portion of the ID3 tag info from a file.
argument: none Gets info for current playing file or <n> gets the info for the file indexed at 'n'.
return: 0 on error, otherwise returns contents of specific portion of ID3 tag.

example: $winamp->getid3tag_year( a => 3 );


action: Check a given string against the real password.
argument: a string representing the password.
return: 0 if incorrect, 1 otherwise.

example: $winamp->validate_password( a=> 'password' );


action: Flushes the playlist cache buffer.
argument: none.
return: 0 on error,1 otherwise.

example: $winamp->flushplaylist;


action: Returns the title of the current song from the winamp window name. Used when the playlist title is not enough.
argument: none.
return: 0 on error, song title otherwise.

example: $winamp->getcurrenttitle;


action: Updates the information about the current title.
argument: none.
return: 0 on error, 1 otherwise

example: $winamp->updatecurrenttitle;


action: Checks for an internet connection.
argument: none.
return: 1 if internect connection exists,	0 otherwise

example: $winamp->internet;


action: Restarts winamp.
note: If the httpQ service is not set to start automatically httpQ will be shut down.
argument: none.
return: 0 on error, 1 otherwise.

example: $winamp->restart;


action: Returns the status of how the httpQ service starts.
argument: none.
return: 1 if the service is set to start automatically, 0 otherwise.

example: $winamp->getautoservice;


action: Sets the flag which controls if the httpQ service will start automatically or not.
argument: 1 Sets the service to start automatically, 0 Sets the service to not start automatically.
return: 1 if the service is set to start automatically, 0 otherwise.

example: $winamp->setautoservice( a => 1 );


action: Attempts to start the shoutcast server.
argument: none.
return: 1 if successful, 0 otherwise.

example: $winamp->shoutcast_connect;


action: Attempts to retrieve status from shoutcast server.
argument: none.
return: status of shoutcast server if successful,	0 otherwise.

example: $winamp->shoutcast_status;


None by default.


You will need the winamp-plugin "httpQ" (Written by Kosta Arvanitis) on the machine playing the music via winamp. You may find it via searching at the winamp headquarter:

Or directly from the author:


Murat Ünalan,


Copyright (c) 2002 Murat Uenalan. All rights reserved. Note: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.



1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 469:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Ünalan,'. Assuming CP1252