Data::Type::Docs::FAQ - frequently asked questions


FAQs are the things asked by users.


  • Is it possible to add your my datatype at runtime and or install/configuration time ?

    Visit Data::Type::Docs::Howto "How to add new types" ?

  • Is there a localized version for <insert your language here> available ?

    It depends. Since Data::Type is expandable via separate modules, you should try a (as always) before starting to write your own.

  • How is a datatype implemented ?

    Data::Type verifies a data or value datatype with a testing procedure. It is similar to the Test module. The test program has one or multiple stages (which are called facets). If all facets pass sucessfully, a datatype is programatically classified as "valid". This generic approach leads to reuse of facets and enough transparence to create instructive error reports.

    A fictive procedure for 'SOMETHING'
    sub test
     ok( 1, Data::Type::Facet::max( 20 ) );
     ok( 1, Data::Type::Facet::min( 4 ) );
  • What are the minimal requirements for my own custom datatypes ?

    Minimal requirements are a package in the Data::Type::Object:: namespace and some methods. Refer to the Data::Type::Docs::RFC for the exact API.


Also is hosting a projects dedicated to this module. And I enjoy receiving your comments/suggestion/reports also via or


Murat Uenalan, <>


See Data::Type::Docs::FOP to get an extracted list of problems occured or by intention (by the author) can statistically occur quite often. Also visit the Data::Type::Docs::Howto pod for a collection of procedures.