NAME - Split a BAM file by strands
SYNOPSIS [--bam FILE] [options]
Split a BAM file by strands and create two new BAM file: One containing all reads that map to the positive strand and another one with all reads mapped to the negative strand. Optionally filter unique alignments by inspecting NH:i SAM attribute.
Optionally create bedGraph and (stranded |normalized) bigWig coverage for UCSC visualization
- --bam
Input file in BAM format
- --bed
Create a BED6 file for each split BAM file
- --bw
Create BedGraph and bigWig coverage files for e.g. genome browser visualization.
- --cs
Chromosome sizes file (required if --bw is given).
- --norm
Normalize resulting bigWig files
- --out -o
Output directory
- --reverse -r
Reverse the +/- strand mapping. This is required to achieve proper strand assignments for certain RNA-seq library preparation protocol.
- --scale
If --bw is given, scale bigWig files to this number. Default is 1000000.
- --uniq
Filter uniquely mapped reads by inspecting the NH:i: SAM attribute. See also the utility, which extracts both uniquely and multiply mapped reads from BAM files without strand-splitting.
- --log -l
Log file extension. Default is ".bam_split.log". The log file is created in the directory given via -o and its name is constructed from the base name of the input BAM file and the log filename extension.
- --help -h
Print short help
- --man
Prints the manual page and exits
Michael T. Wolfinger <>