sqlt - convert SQL schema using SQL::Translator


For help:

sqlt -h|--help

For a list of all parsers and producers:

sqlt -l|--list

To translate a schema:

sqlt -f|--from|--parser MySQL
     -t|--to|--producer Oracle
     file [file2 ...]

General Options:

  -d|--debug         Print debug info
  -v|--validate      Validate the schema
  --version          Show the version of SQL::Translator
  --trace            Print parser trace info
  --show-warnings    Print warnings to STDERR

General Parser Options:

  --skip             Comma-separated list of tables to skip (only implemented in some parsers)
  --ignore_opts      Comma-separated list of table options to ignore

DBI Parser Options:

  --dsn              DSN for connecting to database
                     (see also --use-same-auth below)
  --db-user          Database user
  --db-password      Database password

xSV Parser Options:

  --fs               The field separator
  --rs               The record separator
  --no-trim          Don't trim whitespace on fields
  --no-scan          Don't scan fields for data types and sizes

MySQL Parser Options:

  --mysql-parser-version  Target MySQL parser version for dealing with
                            /*! comments; default = 30000

MySQL Producer Options:

  --mysql-version  MySQL server version

General Producer Options

  --producer-db-user   Database user for producer
  --producer-db-pass   Database password for producer
  --producer-dsn       DSN for producer
  --use-same-auth      Use these DSN, user, password for producer output

DB Producer Options:

  --add-drop-table   Add 'DROP TABLE' statements before creates
  --quote-table-names  Quote all table names in statements
  --quote-field-names  Quote all field names in statements
  --no-comments      Don't include comments in SQL output

PostgreSQL Producer Options:

  --postgres-version   PostgreSQL server version

Diagram Producer Options:

  --imap-file        Filename to put image map data
  --imap-url         URL to use for image map

Dumper Producer Options:

  --skip             Comma-separated list of tables to skip
  --skiplike         Regex for tables to skip
  --add-truncate     Add "TRUNCATE TABLE" statements for each table

HTML/POD Producer Options:

  --pretty           Use CGI::Pretty for the output
  --title            Title of schema

TTSchema Producer Options:

  --template             The path to the template
  --tt-var var=value     Pass extra variables to the template
  --tt-conf option=value Pass extra config options to Template

XML-SQLFairy Producer Options:

  --add-prefix       Use an explicit namespace prefix of 'sqlf:'
  --prefix=<p>       Use the namespace prefix given as argument.
  --no-newlines      Write the XML as a single line.
  --indent=<n>       Use <n> characters of whitespace to indent the XML.

ClassDBI Producer Options:

  --package          Base package name for Class::DBI modules.


This script is part of the SQL Fairy project. It will try to convert any source file for which it has a grammar into any format for which it has a producer.

If using "show-warnings," be sure to redirect STDERR to a separate file. In bash, you could do this:

$ -f MySQL -t PostgreSQL --show-warnings \
   file.sql 1>out 2>err

You can specify a parser or producer located in any module that Perl knows about, allowing you to easily substitute your own.


Ken Youens-Clark <>, darren chamberlain <>.

