I am cutting this out. If you are on a system without LWP it fails to install, when it would have succeeded if we just let the PREREQ_PM take effect. If we suddenly get a bunch of failure reports I can put this back in and special-case the situation where you don't have LWP at all (because, presumably, you're about to get a recent enough version in that case, as it will just pull the latest from CPAN). When I was about to write that code, I figured, well, let's just put the minimum required version of LWP in as per the standard and see if that works for poeple. So, good luck with that, file a bug if you disagree with this decision.

print "Checking your version of libwww..."; my $required = "5.64"; my $supported = "6.04"; my $version; eval { require LWP; $version = LWP->Version; $version >= $required or die "\nLWP::Parallel only works with versions of libwww $required or greater.\nYou seem to have only version $version installed on your system. If you can\nnot or do not want to upgrade to a later version of libwww you should check\nCPAN for an earlier version of this software that might support it.\n"; $version <= $supported or warn <<WARNING;

**** WARNING: Unsupported Version of libwww found! ****

This library only supports libwww up to version $supported. You seem to have version $version installed, which has not yet been tested by the package author for compatibility. Some or all tests might fail!

Install at your own risk, or wait until a more recent version of this library is available.


}; if ($@) { print " failed\n"; print <<EOT; $@ Parallel User Agent uses the standard libwww installation to provide its basic functionality (i.e. connecting to remote sites and receiving data). You will have to install a current version (>=$required) of the LWP package before you can proceed.

The latest version of libwww-perl should always be available from:


The library is also available from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN). Visit <URL:http://www.perl.com/CPAN/> to find a CPAN site near you.

PS: If you _do_ have the libwww-perl library installed, then this script was unable to find it. Either figure out why this happens, or go ahead and edit Makefile.PL to disable the version check (no, this is not recommended) :-)

EOT exit; # No need to go on } else { if ($version < $supported) { print " ok ($version)\nNote: you can upgrade to $supported (although ParallelUA should work ok)\n"; } else { print " ok\n"; } }