Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP::Preload - preload compiled XSP scripts


Use something similar to this in your httpd.conf:

PerlModule AxKit
PerlSetVar AxXSPPreloadDir /etc/apache/xsp-preload
PerlModule Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP::Preload


This module will preload all compiled XSP files that reside in a configurable directory. This is good for live sites, as the memory for this XSP code will be shared among child processes and doesn't need to reparse or re-eval your code at request time.

You must put compiled XSP files into the given directory. Use AxTraceIntermediate to have them saved to disk, and copy any *.XSP file you want into the preload dir.

Warning: Do not, never, ever set AxTraceIntermediate to the same value as AxXSPPreloadDir. First of all, this module tries to load all files in the preload dir, and most files generated by AxTraceIntermediate are not preloadable, only those ending in .XSP. More importantly, regenerating preloaded files automatically opens a whole lot of security risks.

The preloaded code is loaded while apache is still running as root. So make absolutely sure you trust these files. You should only load files you generated yourself. On a sidenote, similar systems like HTML::Mason have this problem, too, so don't be afraid - but be careful.


Jörg Walter <>


This module is available under the same terms as AxKit itself.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 78:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Jörg'. Assuming CP1252